Pesquisa bibliográfica

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[298874]  Show Record 

History of India / Romesh Chunder Dutt ; ed. lit. A. V. Williams Jackson. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 9 v. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | India
Cota: G9142|CLP Goa ¤ G9143|CLP Goa ¤ G9144|CLP Goa ¤ G9145|CLP Goa ¤ G9146|CLP Goa ¤ G9147|CLP Goa ¤ G9148|CLP Goa ¤ G9150|CLP Goa
[332897]  Show Record 

A history of civilisation in ancient India : based on sanskrit literature / Romesh Chunder Dutt. - India : Cosmo Publications, . - xxii, 390 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Literatura | Sector agrícola | Artes | Religião | Comércio | Castas | Budismo | Jainismo | Civilização
Cota: GR12049(CS)|CLP Goa
[333643]  Show Record 

A history of civilisation in ancient India : based on sanscrit literatura / Romesh Chunder Dutt. - Delhi : Vishal Publishers, . - v, 363 p. : il., mapas ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Civilização | Literatura | India
Cota: 20643|CLP Goa
