Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 08 | 27 ms
[431909]  Show Record 

A guide to medical entomology / Michael William Service. - London : McMillan Press, . - X, 226 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Vectores | Artropodes | Dípteros | Sifónapteros | Biologia | Ilustrações
CDU: 576.895.7
Cota: M-21/2|IHMT
[388669]  Show Record 

Medical entomology : arthropods and human disease / William R. Horsfall. - New York : Ronald Press, . - IX, 467 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Vectores
CDU: 576.895.7
Cota: M-21/2|IHMT
[392765]  Show Record 

Medical and veterinary entomology / D. S. Kettle. - 2nd ed. - Queensland : CAB International, . - VIII, 725 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Veterinária | Medicina
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-21/3|IHMT
[394298]  Show Record 

Medical entomology : with special reference to the health well being of man and animals / by William B. Herms. - 4th ed. - New York : Macmillan, . - XVI,643 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia médica | Parasitologia | Insectos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
[431906]  Show Record 

Medical entomology centenary : symposium proceedings / Sheila Willmott. - London : Cambrian News, . - 144 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Vectores | Congresso
CDU: 576.895.7
Cota: M-21/3|IHMT
[431908]  Show Record 

Medical entomology : arthropods and human disease / William R. Horsfall. - New York : Ronald Press, . - IX, 467 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Vectores
CDU: 576.895.7
Cota: M-21/2|IHMT
[456884]  Show Record 

Medical and veterinary entomology / D. S. Kettle. - 2nd ed. - Queensland : CAB International, . - VIII, 725 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia | Veterinária | Medicina
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-21/3|IHMT
[459645]  Show Record 

Medical entomology : with special reference to the health well being of man and animals / by William B. Herms. - 4th ed. - New York : Macmillan, . - XVI,643 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Entomologia médica | Parasitologia | Insectos
CDU: 576.89
Cota: M-24/4|IHMT
