Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 95 ms
[388321]  Show Record 

Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people and the chace of the gorilla crocodile leopard elephant hippopotamus and other animals / by Paul B. du Chaillu. - London : John Murray, . - XVIII, 479 p. : il. [2 desdobr.] ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1985.
Descritores: Explorações terrestres | Etnologia | Costumes | Povos | África Equatorial
CDU: 91:39(6)
Cota: S/Leitura|IHMT
[431580]  Show Record 

Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people and the chace of the gorilla crocodile leopard elephant hippopotamus and other animals / by Paul B. du Chaillu. - London : John Murray, . - XVIII, 479 p. : il. [2 desdobr.] ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1985.
Descritores: Explorações terrestres | Etnologia | Costumes | Povos | África Equatorial
CDU: 91:39(6)
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
[226584]  Show Record 

Politicas and goverment in former French west and equatorial África : critical bibliography / John A. Ballard
In: Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 3 Nº 4 (1965), p. 589-605
Descritores: África | Regime político | Governo
Cota: PP445|AHM
