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[326952]  Show Record 

For history and for the future / Jorge A. H. Rangel
In: Macau focus : Macau enters a new era. - Vol. 1, nº 1 (Março 2000), p. 5-8
Descritores: Ciências sociais | Macau
Cota: CS-1989|FCM
[309689]  Show Record 
Supplementary demands for grants for the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu for the year : 1967-68. - Panjim : Government Printing Press, . - X, 32 p. : tabelas ; 23 cm
Descritores: Gestão financeira | Administração pública | India
Cota: S/cota|Shrimati Parvatibai Chowgule College Library
[379247]  Show Record 
National health workforce assessment of the past and agenda for the future : proceedings of an International Symposium published with the support of the World Health Association. - Paris : Centre de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, . - VII, 445 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Profissionais de saúde | Saúde e desenvolvimento | Planeamento | Congresso
CDU: 616-051(042.3)
Cota: 26 MUND|IHMT
[402865]  Show Record 
National health workforce assessment of the past and agenda for the future : proceedings of an International Symposium published with the support of the World Health Association. - Paris : Centre de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, . - VII, 445 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Profissionais de saúde | Saúde e desenvolvimento | Planeamento | Congresso
CDU: 616-051(042.3)
Cota: 26 MUND|IHMT
[405677]  Show Record 
National health workforce assessment of the past and agenda for the future : proceedings of an International Symposium published with the support of the World Health Association. - Paris : Centre de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, . - VII, 445 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Profissionais de saúde | Saúde e desenvolvimento | Planeamento | Congresso
CDU: 616-051(042.3)
Cota: 26 MUND|IHMT
[210938]  Show Record 

The quest for kintu and the search for peace : mythology and morality in ninetee-century buganda / John Yoder
In: Historia in África. - Vol. 15 (1988), p. 363-376
Descritores: África | História | Método estatístico
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[67053]  Show Record 
Evaluation for the "strategy for women and gender equality in development. - Oslo : Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, . - 79 p.
Descritores: Noruega | Cooperação internacional | Avaliação | Mulher | Desenvolvimento económico | Afeganistão | Zâmbia
Cota: 339 AV-GN|IPAD
[201433]  Show Record 

Project for the codification of african music and compilation of textbooks for educational purposes / Hugh Tracey
In: Áfrican Journal of the Áfrican Music Society. - Vol.4, nº 2 (1968), p. 3-9
Descritores: África | Música | Codificação
Cota: PP457|AHM
[243539]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development. - [Paris] : Ministère des Affaires Étrangéres et Européennes, . - 1 desdobr.
Descritores: Cooperação para o desenvolvimento | Europa
Cota: DES 19-6|CIDAC
[245855]  Show Record 

The need for a policy dialogue on science and technology for development in ACP countries / Carl Greenidge, Engelhard Rutger. - Maastricht : ECDPM, . - Pag. var.. - ECDPM Discussion Paper. 44)
Descritores: Cooperação para o desenvolvimento | Política | Ciência | Tecnologia | Europa | Países ACP
Cota: DES 9-6|CIDAC
[250168]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development. - [Paris] : Ministère des Affaires Étrangéres et Européennes, France Coopération, . - 1 desdobrável
Descritores: Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento | Europa
Cota: DES 19-6|CIDAC
[276940]  Show Record 

Waiting for Oprah and the new US constituency for Africa : with questions for South Africa / William G. Martin. - Bellville : Centre for Southern African Studies, . - 23 p. ; 24 cm. - Southern african perspectives. 68)
Descritores: Política externa | Estados Unidos da América | África
[309688]  Show Record 
Demands for excess grants for expenditure of the union territory of Goa, Daman and diu. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - [4], 4 p. : tabelas ; 23 cm
Descritores: Gestão financeira | Administração pública | India
Cota: S/cota|Shrimati Parvatibai Chowgule College Library
[380850]  Show Record 
Outline for a public health status and forecasts for the European Union report / P. W. Achterberg... [et al.]. - Bilthoven : Rijksinstuut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, . - 48 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Saúde internacional | Saúde pública | Planeamento | União Europeia
CDU: 614.2UE
Cota: 31 SPUB|IHMT
[403009]  Show Record 
Outline for a public health status and forecasts for the European Union report / P. W. Achterberg... [et al.]. - Bilthoven : Rijksinstuut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, . - 48 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Saúde internacional | Saúde pública | Planeamento | União Europeia
CDU: 614.2UE
Cota: 31 SPUB|IHMT
[405821]  Show Record 
Outline for a public health status and forecasts for the European Union report / P. W. Achterberg... [et al.]. - Bilthoven : Rijksinstuut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, . - 48 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Saúde internacional | Saúde pública | Planeamento | União Europeia
CDU: 614.2UE
Cota: 31 SPUB|IHMT
[388567]  Show Record 
Manual of recommended diagnostic techniques and requirements for biological products for lists A and B diseases / Office International des Epizooties. - Paris : OIE, . - Pag, var. ; 25 cm. - This manual has been edited by the Standards Commision and approved by the International Committee of the OIE
Descritores: Laboratório | Biologia Aplicada | Patologia | Técnicas | Química | Diagnóstico | Manual | França
CDU: 616-074/-078.619
Cota: M-16/3|IHMT
[451145]  Show Record 
Manual of recommended diagnostic techniques and requirements for biological products for lists A and B diseases / Office International des Epizooties. - Paris : OIE, . - Pag. var. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Laboratório | Biologia | Patologia | Técnicas | Química | Diagnóstico | Manual | França
CDU: 616-074/-078.619
Cota: M-16/3|IHMT
[153661]  Show Record 

The road for the future / Oliveira Salazar. - Lisboa : SNI, . - VII, 244 p. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Portugal | África | Política de desenvolvimento | Organização administrativa | Regime político | Partido político | Política de cooperação | Colonialismo
Cota: 689/2004|AHSTP
[72247]  Show Record 
Guiné-Bissau. United Nations
Memorandum on the econmic, financial and social situation during the 1980 and outlook for the 1990 : preparations for the second conference on the least developed countries(LDCs) / United Nations. - Bissau : UN, . - 41 p. : tabelas ; 21 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Economia | Financiamento da ajuda
Cota: 338(665.7) (047)"1980-1990"|BP|INEP
[7744]  Show Record 

Subsidiaries for the history of the route to India under the Philips / Frazão de Vasconcelos
In: Boletim geral do ultramar. - Ano 36º, nº 415-416 (Jan.-Fev. de 1960), p. 589
Descritores: História | India
Cota: P2 Port/Boletim da Agência Geral das Colónias|UCDCT
Disponível em formato digitalDisponível em formato digital
[7823]  Show Record 

Subsidiaries for the history of the route to India under the Philips (XVIII) / Frazão de Vasconcelos
In: Boletim geral do ultramar. - Ano 35º, nº 413-414 (Nov.-Dez. de 1959), p. 437
Descritores: História | India
Cota: P2 Port/Boletim da Agência Geral das Colónias|UCDCT
Disponível em formato digitalDisponível em formato digital
[115079]  Show Record 

Materials for the study of the early history of the vaishnava sect / Hemchandra Raychaudhuri. - 2nd ed.. - Calcutta : University of Calcutta, . - xiv, 215 p. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: História religiosa | Hinduismo | India antiga
Cota: V5255|CLP Goa
[245305]  Show Record 
Annual report of the board of scientific advice for India for the year 1905-06. - Calcutta : Government Central Press, . - Pag. var. : il., mapas ; 24 cm
Descritores: História
Cota: S/cota|CLP Goa
[251255]  Show Record 
Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
Pastoral guide for diocesan priests in churches dependent on the congregation for the evangelization of peoples / congregation for the evangelization of peoples. - [S.l. : s.n.]. - 79 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cristianismo
Cota: S/cota|Seminary of our Lady
[378405]  Show Record 

For the love of Anthony a mother's search for peace after the London bombings / Marie Fatayi-Williams. - London : Hodder, . - XI, 212 p.
Descritores: Fatayi-Williams, Anthony, 1979-2005 | Biografia | Terrorismo | África
Cota: EA.01 FAT*For|ISCTE
[390866]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the strategy for health for all by the year 2000 : seventh report on the world health situation / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - vol. 1 (VIII, 126 p.) ; 25 cm
Descritores: Gestão | Saúde Pública | Congresso | Estratégias | Suíça
CDU: 614
Cota: M-17/1|IHMT
[451866]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the strategy for health for all by the year 2000 : seventh report on the world health situation / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - v. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Gestão | Saúde pública | Congresso | Estratégias | Suíça
CDU: 614
Cota: M-17/1|IHMT
[346050]  Show Record 

Bright future for Macao's Role as a platform between China and portuguese-speaking countries / Maria. - Edição bilingue. - Revista em inglês e chinês
In: Macao Image . - Nº 53 (January 2011), p. 16-20
Descritores: Development potential | Macau | Portugal
Cota: DI-3328|FCM
[324515]  Show Record 

The Florence and Herbert Irving Galleries for the arts of South and Southeast Asia / Martin Lerner
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352742]  Show Record 

The Florence and Herbert Irving Galleries for the arts of South and Southeast Asia / Martin Lerner
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[18619]  Show Record 

Reflections on the sources of evidence for the pre-colonial history in East África / Roland Oliver. - Resumo em francês
In: The historian in tropical África : studies presented and discussed at the fourth international african seminar at the University of Dakar / J. Vansina, R. Mauny, L. V. Thomas. - London : Oxford University Press, 1964. - p.305-321
Descritores: África | Diferença cultural | Etnologia | História | Colonialismo | Usos e costumes
Cota: D- 184|UCDA
[72736]  Show Record 
United Nations. Organization United Nations Industrial Development
Survey of the requirement and constraints in the fields of packaging and packing and proposals for a national poliy for the consumption and production of packinging materials : tecnical report : preliminary survey of the most critical and urgent needs of Guinea-Bissau in the fields of packaging and packing and proposals of the national situation with regard to the development of the packaging industry / ONUDI. - Vienna : ONUDI, . - 31 p. ; 30 cm. - Based on the survey of J. Belo
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Embalagem | Industria
Cota: 381.718.4.001.1(665.7), BP|INEP
[114989]  Show Record 

Sources for the history of British India in the seventeenth century / Shafaat Ahmad Khan. - London : Oxford University Press, . - v, 395 p. ; 26 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Bibliografia | História | Documento | Guildhall Library | British Museum | India
Cota: V5442|CLP Goa
[201134]  Show Record 

Resources at the Institute for conteporary history, University of the orange Free State / H. C. Jones. - Contém notas bibliograficas
In: History in África : A Journal of Method. - Vol. 20 (1993), p. 409-411
Descritores: África | Ensino superior | História
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[221766]  Show Record 

The significance of meighbourhoods for the collection of oral history in Padhola / R. M. Packord
In: The Uganda Journal. - Vol. 34, nº 2 (1970), p. 147-162
Descritores: África | Uganda | História | Linguística
Cota: PP473|AHM
[251669]  Show Record 

Materials for west african history in the archives of the United Kingdom / Noel Matthews. - London : The Athlone Press, . - X, 225 p.
Descritores: Arquivo | História | Africa
Cota: EA.00 MAT*Mat|ISCTE
[278517]  Show Record 

Sources for the history of southeast Asia in the Goa archives / Pierre-Yves Manguin
In: International seminar on indo-portuguese history / ed. John Correia-Afonso. - Bombay : The Heras Institute of Indian History, 1978. - p. 67
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Arquivo
Cota: 5-19-18-81|BGUC ¤ 9-(1)-2-10-44|BGUC
[378182]  Show Record 

Some literary sources for the history of Brazil in the eighteenth century / C. R. Boxer. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, . - 36 p. ; 22 cm. - The Taylorian Lecture, delivered 9 may 1967.
Descritores: Brasil | História | Bibliografia | Fonte de informação
Cota: 6-25-22-86|BGUC
[67002]  Show Record 
Governance for the future : democracy and development in the least developed conutries. - [S.l.] : Jeff Hoover, . - 368 p. : quadros
Descritores: Democracia | PNUD
Cota: 321 PNUD|IPAD
[67740]  Show Record 
United Nations Developement Programme
Development for the urban future : annual report / United Nations Development Programme. - EUA : United Nations Development Programme, . - 32 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - oferta da Bilbioteca da ONU em Lisboa ao CDI (2 exemplares)
Descritores: Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento | Apoio ao desenvolvimento | Desenvolvimento económico | Urbanismo
Cota: 339 PNUD|IPAD
[67854]  Show Record 
Espanha. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Secretaria de Estado para la Cooperación
Working for the future : spains development assistance : 1992 / Secretaria de Estado para la Cooperación. - Madrid : Secretaria de Estado para la Cooperación. - 68 p. : il., tabelas
Descritores: Apoio ao desenvolvimento | Desenvolvimento económico | Espanha
Cota: 339 ESP|IPAD
[68520]  Show Record 
Energy as a tool for sustainable development for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries / Salifou Bengaly ... [et al.]. - Bruxelas : Ugo Farinelli, . - 134 p. : il. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Energia | Desenvolvimento económico | Economia de energia | África | Caraíbas | Pacífico | União Europeia | PNUD
Cota: 620 PNUD|IPAD
[73726]  Show Record 

Recommendations for future work in the fishieries sector of Guinea - Bissau / Vlad M. Kaczynski. - [s.n.] : TIPS, . - pag. var. : graf. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Indústria pesqueira
Cota: 639.2(665.7)|BP|INEP
[106167]  Show Record 
Project for 16 sub-stations and for one protecting equipment against over voltages / ed. Câmara Municipal de Lourenço Marques. - Baden : [s.n.], . - 1 pasta. - Contém 3 fasciculos publicados de equipamento electrico
Descritores: Moçambique | Energia eléctrica | Material eléctrico
Cota: 5.650|ICP
[121223]  Show Record 

For their triumphs and for their tears : conditions and resistance of women in apartheid south africa / by Hilda Bernstein. - London : International Defense & Aid Fund, . - 71, [1] p.
Descritores: Mulher | África do Sul
Cota: M. 1392|CIDAC
[187366]  Show Record 

Future directions for the Bellagio Donor Group in support of Áfrican publishing / Anne Gordon Drabek
In: Bellagio Publishing Network Newsletter. - nº 8 (Dez. 1993), p. 1-2
Descritores: África Meridional | Zimbabué | Indústria do livro
Cota: PP1489|AHM
[205525]  Show Record 

Workers, organise and unite-join the SACP, ANC and MK for freedom and socialism / SACP. - Appeal circulated by the SACP underground in South África
In: The Áfrican Communist. - nº 112 (1988), p. 38-48
Descritores: Luta de classes | Idiologia politica | Namíbia
Cota: PP529|AHM
[260613]  Show Record 

Is there a future for postcolonial metropolis, with reference to the malasyan experience? / Jimmy Lim
In: Culture of metropolis in Macau : an international symposium on cultural heritage - strategies for the twenty-first century / ed. Arthur H. Chen. - Macau : Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau, 2001. - p. 317-325
Descritores: Macau | História | Desenvolvimento social | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: 7-49A-5-10|BGUC
[266455]  Show Record 

A search for legitimate social development education and practice models for Africa / Kwaku Osei-Hwedie. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - V, 276 p. ; 22 cm. - Studies in african economic and social development. 7)
Descritores: Trabalho social | Educação | Política social | Desenvolvimento social | Política demográfica | África
