Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 46 ms
[321345]  Show Record 

History of Nagaland / B. B. Ghosh ; ed. P. N. Chopra. - New Delhi : S. Chand & Company Ltd, . - 264 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Cultura | Etnologia | India
Cota: GR122|CLP Goa
[267596]  Show Record 

History of christianity in Africa in the context of african history : a comparative assessment of four recent historiographical contributions / Frans J. Verstraelen. - Gweru : Mambo Press, . - [VIII], 46 p. ; 21 cm. - Religious and theological studies series. 4)
Descritores: História de África | História da Igreja | Historiografia | África Subsaariana
[329357]  Show Record 

Folk tales of Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura & Mizoram / B.K. Borgohain, P.C. Roy Chaudhury. - 1ª ed. - Nova Delhi : S.K. Ghai, . - 120 p. : il. pb, figuras ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cultura regional | Mitologia | Usos e costumes | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
