Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 34 | 149 ms
[251530]  Show Record 

Religion and the transformation of society : a study in social change in Africa / Monica Wilson. - London : Cambridge University Press, . - [8], 165 p.
Descritores: Antropologia | Religião | Mudança social | Africa
[228420]  Show Record 

Traditional religion and the precolonial history of África the example of the padhola / B. A. Ogot
In: <The >Uganda Journal. - Vol. 31, nº 1 (1967), p. 111-116
Descritores: História
Cota: PP473|AHM
[340656]  Show Record 
The protection of intellectual property in the legal framework of electronic commerce and the information society : computer programs, digital databases, technological adjuncts to copyright, and internet service providers' liability / Alexandre Dias Pereira. - Coimbra : Universidade de Coimbra, . - p. 289-374
Descritores: Propriedade intelectual | Comércio electrónico
Cota: 347.78(469)/PER|FO
[319347]  Show Record 

The transformation of Sri Lankan society, 1948-1999 : the fragmentation of centralism / Barrie M. Morrison
Descritores: Sri Lanka | Política | Sociedade | Educação | Budismo | Economia
Cota: PP156/JA|FO
[321353]  Show Record 

Folk religion and mass culture in rural Bengal; tradition and transformation / Gouri Sankar Bandyopadhyay. - Kolkata : Touchstone Publication, . - 160 p. : il., mapas ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cultura regional | Religião | India
Cota: GR19786|CLP Goa
[300486]  Show Record 

The religion and philosophy of the veda and upanishads / Arthur Berriedale Keith. - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, . - 2 v. ; 26 cm
Descritores: Religião | Filosofia | India
Cota: S/cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
[356628]  Show Record 

Religion, society, and the individual : an introduction to the sociology of religion / John Milton Yinger. - New York : The MacMillan Company, . - XVI, 655 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Religião | Psicologia | Inglaterra
CDU: 2:159.923:316.3/.7
Cota: 309 ¤ CEHU-309|IICT
[374541]  Show Record 

Good governance and poverty alleviation in Nigeria the role of the EU and civil society / Abantu for Development. - London : ABANTU Publications, . - 71 p. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Política | Governo | Organização não governamental | União Europeia | África
Cota: EA.AOC 1 Goo|ISCTE
[378333]  Show Record 

Religion and the dramatisation of life spirit beliefs and rituals in southern and central Malawi / Matthew Schoffeleers. - Blantyre : Christian Literature Association in Malawi, . - 166 p.
Descritores: Religião | Usos e costumes | África
[240473]  Show Record 
The journal of the royal asiatic society of great Britain and Ireland for 1939. - London : Grosvenor Street, . - 695 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Cultura
Cota: 5427|CLP Goa
[375078]  Show Record 

Chinese books and documents in the Roman archives of the society of Jesus : a new catalogue / Paul Rule
In: Monumenta Serica. - V. 50 (2002), pp. 463-480
Descritores: Religião | China
Cota: PP311/MS|FO
[397633]  Show Record 
The 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene / Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. - Deerfield : ASTMH, . - 283 p. ; 26 cm
Descritores: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | Medicina tropical | Higiene | Congresso
CDU: 61(213):061.3
Cota: M-19/2|IHMT
[477027]  Show Record 

The sociology of religions and the «desecularisation of society» / Hubert Knoblauch
In: Revista Lusófona de ciências das religiões / propr. Ediçoes Universitárias Lusófonas.- Lisboa : E.U.L., 2002- .- A. VI, nº 11 (2007), p. 247
Descritores: Religião | Periódicos | Portugal
Cota: S/Cota|Teotónio Souza
[196104]  Show Record 

Gender, political participation and the transformation of associational life in Uganda and Tanzania / Aili Mari Tripp. - Possue notas e referências bibliográficas.
In: Áfrican Studies Review. - Vol. 37, nº 1 (Abr. 1994), p. 107-131
Descritores: África Oriental | Uganda | Tanzania | Política social | Liberdade de associação | Género
Cota: PP958|AHM
[211331]  Show Record 

Some observations on the family unit, religion, and the practice of polygyny in the Ife : divison of western Nigeria / I. H. Vanden Driesen
In: África. - Vol. XLII (1972), p. 44-56
Descritores: África Ocidental | Nigéria | Família | Religião
Cota: PP447|AHM
[364009]  Show Record 

Text, play, and story the construction and reconstruction of self and society / Edward M. Bruner. - Prospect Heights : Illinois Waveland Press, . - VIII, 364 p. ; 23 cm. - 1983 proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, Stuart Plattner, proceedings editor
Descritores: Tradição oral | Teatro | História | Japão
Cota: A.164.2 Tex|ISCTE
[292218]  Show Record 

The iconography of the Virgin Mary in Japan and its transformation : chinese buddhist sculpture and Maria Kannon / Wakakuwa Midori
In: Christianity and cultures : Japan & China in comparison, 1543-1644 / ed. M. Antoni J. Üçerler - Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2009. - p. 229-248
Descritores: India | Japão | China | Arte | Cristianismo | Historia
Cota: 9-(1)-2-20-52|BGUC
[202245]  Show Record 

The political organisation and the evolution of Áfrican society in the Belgian Congo / A. F. G. Marzorati
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 53, nº 211 (1954), p. 104-112
Descritores: África | Congo | História
Cota: PP446|AHM
[392164]  Show Record 

Land and society in the christian kingdom of Ethiopia from the thirteenth to the twentieth century / Donald Crummey. - Oxford : James Currey, . - 373 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Mudança social | Etiópia | África
[415387]  Show Record 

Land and society in the christian kingdom of Ethiopia from the thirteenth to the twentieth century / Donald Crummey. - Oxford : James Currey, . - 373 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Mudança social | Etiópia | África
[211697]  Show Record 

The functions of the Ekpo society of the Thibio of Nigeria / Daniel A. Offiong. - Contém bibliografia.
In: África Studies Review. - Vol. 27 nº 3 (Set. 1984), p. 77-92
Descritores: África Ocidental | Nigeria | Etnologia
Cota: PP958|AHM
[251936]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh and Frank Kaufmann ; introd. Jacob Olupona. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p.
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[366777]  Show Record 
The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, 5 Congress Africa in Transformation ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
[369032]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Frank Kaufmann, Jacob Olupona. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | Colóquio 1997 | Actas | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[369154]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Jacob Olupona, Frank Kaufmann. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[369397]  Show Record 
Religion and social transformation in southern Africa / ed. Thomas G. Walsh, Jacob Olupona, Frank Kaufmann. - St. Paul : Paragon House, . - XX, 244 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Religião | Mudança social | Democracia | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Rel,1|ISCTE
[385879]  Show Record 
Congress Africa in Transformation, 5
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
[251900]  Show Record 

The significant role of initiation in the traditional Igbo culture and religion : an inculturation basis for pastoral catechesis of christian initiation / George Nnaemeka Oranekwu. - London : IKO, . - 267 p.
Descritores: Etnologia | Religião | África
[273934]  Show Record 
Multi-party democracy, civil society and economic transformation in southern Africa : papers from the 14th Southern African Universaties Social Science Conference Windhoek, November 1991 / ed. Jannie Hunter, Christo Lombard. - Windhoek : Southern African Universaties Social Science Conference, . - 224 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Sistema político | Multipartidarismo | Reforma económica | Sociedade civil | Colóquios | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Mul|ISCTE
[329046]  Show Record 

Essays and lectures on the religion of the hindus / Horace Hayman Wilson ; colec. Reinhold Rost. - Nova Delhi : Gautam Jetley, . - 2 v. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Hinduísmo | Usos e costumes | Religião | Cultura
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[389627]  Show Record 

African politics and society a mosaic in transformation / Peter J. Schraeder. - Belmont : Thomson-Wadsworth, . - XXV, 387 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Estudos africanos | Sistema político | Relações internacionais | Sociedade | Política | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 SCH*Afr,1|ISCTE
[422344]  Show Record 
On becoming a democracy transition and transformation in South African society / ed. N. Chabani Manganyi. - Pretoria : Leiden University of South Africa Press, . - 132 p.
Descritores: Política | Pós-apartheid | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 On,1|ISCTE
