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Registos: 02 | 250 ms
[321403]  Show Record 
Sri Aurobindo and the mother on Indian Independence & on war and peace / compil. & ed. Amalendu De. - Calcutta : Sri Aurobindo Centre for Research on Social Sciences, . - 57 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Correspondência | Movimento de libertação nacional | India | Inglaterra
Cota: GR18331|CLP Goa
[300813]  Show Record 
Sri Aurobindo and the mother on themselves. - Pondicherry : Sri Aurobindo Society, . - 35 p. ; 18 cm
Descritores: Espiritualidades
Cota: S/ cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
