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Registos: 02 | 187 ms
[393606]  Show Record 

State of the world's vaccines and immunization / Sheila Davey ; [ed. lit.] Mick Geyer. - Geneva : WHO, . - XV, 96 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Farmacologia | Fisiologia | Vacinas | Imunidade | Global
CDU: 615.37:612.017(100)
Cota: M-18/3|IHMT
[393975]  Show Record 
State of the world's vaccines and immunization / [ed. lit.] Cathy Needham. - 3rd ed. - Geneva : WHO, . - XXXIII, 169 p. : il. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Imunologia | Vacinas | Saúde e desenvolvimento | Programas multinacionais
CDU: 615.371
Cota: M-18/3|IHMT
