Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 16 | 355 ms
[281470]  Show Record 

The geological history of the sedimentary basin of southern Mozambique, and some aspects of the origin of the Mozambique Channel [Abstract] / R. Foerst
In: <25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, 16th-24th August, 1976> / sponsored by The Australian Academy of Science, The Geological Society of Australia, The International Union of Geological Sciences. - Canberra : [s.n.], 1976. - Vol. 3: Abstracts : Symposium 102.1: <Geology and petrology of the crystalline domains of the Earth's crust> / P. Michot, p. 892
Descritores: Evolução geológica | Bacia sedimentar | Estratigrafia | Paleogeografia | Canal de Moçambique | Moçambique
Cota: 7-163|LNEG
[258842]  Show Record 

The geological history of the sedimentary basin of Southern Mozambique, and some aspects of the origin of the Mozambique Channel / R. Förster
In: Paleogeography, paleoclimatology, palaecology. - Vol. 17, nº 4 (1975), p. 267-287
Subconjunto: / (464):
Descritores: Geologia | Moçambique
Cota: E211-P4/6-NL-40|LNEG
[17091]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : Printed for Hohn Booth, . - 1 vol. ¤ 1 vol. : mapas. - Ex. com manchas. - Encadernação danificada
Descritores: Angola | Fauna | Flora | Viagem | Guerra de resistência | Usos e costumes | Etnologia | Cultura regional | Moçambique
Cota: D-1464|UCDA
[147440]  Show Record 

An account of the discoveries of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - New York : AMS Press, . - 186 p.
Descritores: Angola | Viagem | Descobrimentos | Moçambique
Cota: L-26-25|BCM
[227263]  Show Record 

The biology and availability of the spiny lobster palonurus delagoae barnard of the coast of Mozambique / Lília Brinca, Lisette Palha de Sousa. - Ilustrado.
In: Revista de Investigações Pesqueiras. - Nº 8 (1983), p. 27-52
Descritores: África Meridional | Moçambique | Biologia | Zoologia | Espécie marinha
Cota: PP715|AHM
[235121]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : [s.n.], . - 186 p.
Descritores: Descobrimentos | Angola | Moçambique | Portugal
Cota: ULT-1013|BNU
[261883]  Show Record 

Structural history of the western front of the Mozambique belt in northeast southern Rhodesia / R. L. Johnson
In: Geological Society of America Bulletin. - Vol. 79, nº 5 (May 1968), p. 513-526
Subconjunto: / (464):
Descritores: História | Moçambique
Cota: E92-P4/6-US-54|LNEG
[281605]  Show Record 

Structural history of the western front of the Mozambique Belt in northeast southern Rhodesia / R. L. Johnson. - [S.l.] : GSA, . - il., 3 tabelas e 6 figuras ; 25 cm. - Sep. de: <Geological Society of America Bulletin>, vol. 79, 1968, p. 513-526. - Referências bibliográficas
Descritores: História da Terra | Geologia estrutural | Orogenia | Moçambique | Ultramar Português
Cota: 18-s575|LNEG
[266003]  Show Record 

Aspects of sedimentation and tectonism of the Umkondo system in Mozambique and Southern Rhodesia / J. R. Vail
In: Eighth annual report on scientific results : session 1962-63 / University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology. - Leeds : University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology, 1964. - p. 44-45
Descritores: Geologia | Moçambique
Cota: E178-P2-GB-9|LNEG
[38727]  Show Record 

The Fossil flora of the Kareoo of the Zambezi Basin and the Northern territory / Carlos Teixeira
In: Comunicações portuguesas ao II Congresso da Associação científica ao Oceano Índico.- Lisboa -S. N. -P9/C1, 2 p.
Descritores: Moçambique | Flora
Cota: 115-F-73|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[281647]  Show Record 
Revised lithostratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic succession of the onshore Rovuma Basin, northern coastal Mozambique / R. M. Rey... [et al.]. - Contém 13 figuras. - Referências bibliográficas
In: South African Journal of Geology. - ISSN 0371-7208. - Vol. 111, nº 1 (March 2008), p. 89-108
Descritores: Litostratigrafia | Mesozóico | Cenozóico | Bacia do Rovuma (Moçambique) | Moçambique (Norte)
Cota: E288-P2|LNEG
[295425]  Show Record 
The origin and early history of the chikunda of South Central Africa. - [S.l. : s.n., . - pág. var. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Etnologia | História | África
Cota: AFR-219|BNU
[299201]  Show Record 
The origin and early history of the chikunda of South Central Africa. - [S.l. : s.n., . - pág. var. ; 29 cm
Descritores: Etnologia | História | África
Cota: AFR-219|BNU
[261899]  Show Record 

Preliminary report on the geology of part of the Mozambique Belt in Sidamo province, southern Ethiopia / A. M. Chater, C. F. Gilboy
In: Twelfth annual report on scientific results : session 1966-67 / University of Leeds, Research Institute of African Geology and Department of Earth Sciences. - Leeds : University of Leeds, 1968. - p. 19-20
Descritores: Geologia | Africa
Cota: E178-P2-GB-9|LNEG
[273889]  Show Record 
Guide to the sources of the history of Africa south of the Sahara in the Netherlands / compil. M. P. H. Roessingh, W. Visser. - München : Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, . - 241 p. ; 22 cm. - Netherlands state archives service)
Descritores: Arquivo | Biblioteca | História de África | Fontes históricas | Holanda | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Gui,2|ISCTE
[378611]  Show Record 

The history of the Yorubas from the earliest times to the beginning of the british protectorate / The Rev. Samuel Johnson Pastor of Oyo. - Lagos : CSS, . - LV, 686 p.
Descritores: Etnologia | História | África
