Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 04 | 82 ms
[341109]  Show Record 

The Ramayana in Laos : a study in the gvay dvorahbi / by Sachchidanand Sahai ; foreword by Prof. Suniti Kumar Chatterji. - Delhi : B. R. Publishing Corporation, . - xix, 148, [16] p.
Descritores: Usos e costumes | Laos
Cota: 294:801(598)/SAH|FO
[115081]  Show Record 

Epic India or India as descrbed in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana / C. V. Vaidya. - Bombay : Radhabai Atmaram Sagoon, . - ii, 514 p. ; 19 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca. Contém apêndice
Descritores: História | India antiga | Epopéia | Ramayana | Mahabarata | Castas | Geografia | Astronomia
Cota: V1373|CLP Goa
[370162]  Show Record 

Human security and development in the Lao PDR : freedom from fear and freedom from want / Brendan Howe and Kearrin Sims
In: Asian survey. - V. 51, nº 2 (Mar./Abr. 2011), pp. 333-355
Descritores: Pobreza | Laos
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
