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[243081]  Show Record 
Amnesty International
The use of the death penalty in the People's Republic of Mozambique / Amnesty International. - London : Amnesty Internacional, . - 9 p
Descritores: Direitos humanos | Moçambique
Cota: MZ-D.H. I-9|CIDAC
[249710]  Show Record 
Amnesty International
The use of the death penalty in the People's Republic of Mozambique / Amnesty International. - London : Amnesty Internacional, . - 9 p
Descritores: Direitos Humanos | Moçambique
Cota: MZ-D.H. I-9|CIDAC
[210300]  Show Record 

The death of Thomas Sankara and the rectification of the people´s revolution in Burkina Faso / Michael Wilkins
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 88 nº 352 (1989), p. 375 - 388
Descritores: àfrica | Política
Cota: PP446|AHM
[324414]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352641]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[320432]  Show Record 
China Intercontinental Press
Macau - information office of the state council of the people´s republic of China / China Intercontinental Press. - Macau : China Intercontinental Press, . - 149 p. : il. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Administração pública | Fotografias | Macau
Cota: AP-820|FCM
[345858]  Show Record 

The impact of education on personal earnings in Hunan Province, the People's Republic of China / Xiaoyu Huang. - Vila Real : [s.n.], . - viii, 237 p.
Descritores: Educação | China
Cota: 210-BOL|FO
[349490]  Show Record 

The impact of education on personal earnings in Hunan Province, the People's Republic of China / Xiaoyu Huang. - Vila Real : [s.n.], . - viii, 237 p.
Descritores: Educação | China
Cota: 210-BOL|FO
[17091]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : Printed for Hohn Booth, . - 1 vol. ¤ 1 vol. : mapas. - Ex. com manchas. - Encadernação danificada
Descritores: Angola | Fauna | Flora | Viagem | Guerra de resistência | Usos e costumes | Etnologia | Cultura regional | Moçambique
Cota: D-1464|UCDA
[147440]  Show Record 

An account of the discoveries of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - New York : AMS Press, . - 186 p.
Descritores: Angola | Viagem | Descobrimentos | Moçambique
Cota: L-26-25|BCM
[235121]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : [s.n.], . - 186 p.
Descritores: Descobrimentos | Angola | Moçambique | Portugal
Cota: ULT-1013|BNU
[244864]  Show Record 
The marriage law of the people´s Republic of China. - China : Foreign Languages Press, . - 41 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Legislação | Casamento
Cota: S/cota|Indo Portuguese Friendship Society-Goa
[415608]  Show Record 
Chalenges of peace the UN mission in the democratic republic of the congo / ed. Mark Malan, João Gomes Porto. - Pretória : Institute for Security Studies, . - [VI], 277 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: ONU | Direitos do Homem | África
Cota: EA.ACT 1 Cha|ISCTE
[430625]  Show Record 
The Constitution of the People's Republic of China : (adopted on december 4, 1982 by the Fifth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China at its fifth session). - Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, (Beijing : Foreign Languages Printing House. - [6], 93, [1] p. ; 18 cm
Descritores: China | Constituição
Cota: 6-38-44-22|BGUC
[81759]  Show Record 

The ethnography of the bijagós people of the Island of Bubaque, Guiné-Bissai : a thesis. - Detroit : (s.n.), . - 151, (1) p. : il.
Descritores: Etnologia | Guiné-Bissau
Cota: 19958|IICT
[223847]  Show Record 

The use of the international system of heraldic hatchings for the transcription of bushaman paintings / G. H. Breckwoldt. - Contém ilustrações e bibliografia
In: <The >South Áfrican Archaeological Biolletim. - Vol. 19, nº 76 (1964), p. 11-112
Descritores: África | História
Cota: PP447|AHM
[14994]  Show Record 
Education policy in the People's Republic of Mozambique. - Statement by delegation from Maputo to the Conference of Ministers of Education of Áfrican Member States of UNESCO held in Lagos from 27 January to 4 February 1976. Official Government paper reprinted in «Journal of Moedern Áfrican Studies», 14, 2 (1976), pp. 331-9.
In: Political economy of África : selected readings /edited and introduced by Dennis L. Cohen and John Daniel. - London : Longman Group Limited, 1993. - P. 205-220.
Descritores: Política da educação | Descolonização | Moçambique
Cota: 338-9950|UCDA
[139281]  Show Record 
Utilization of the thymidine 14 in the study of the biology of the glossina morsitans / João Fraga de Azevedo...[et al.]. - Lisboa : Junta de Investigação do Ultramar, . - p. 417-420 ; 25 cm
Descritores: África | Biologia
Cota: S.A. 39873 V.|BN
[273889]  Show Record 
Guide to the sources of the history of Africa south of the Sahara in the Netherlands / compil. M. P. H. Roessingh, W. Visser. - München : Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, . - 241 p. ; 22 cm. - Netherlands state archives service)
Descritores: Arquivo | Biblioteca | História de África | Fontes históricas | Holanda | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Gui,2|ISCTE
[189354]  Show Record 
The government of the Republic of Mozambique
In: Iniew. - nº 31, (16 Set. 1995) p 11
Descritores: África | Moçambique | Presidente | Joaquim Chissano
Cota: PP1462|AHM
[390431]  Show Record 
The rational use of drugs in the management of acute diarrhoea in children / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - IV, 71 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Diarreia Infantil | Posologia | Medicamentos
CDU: 616.934
Cota: M-14/4|IHMT
[416394]  Show Record 

The use of GIS in exploring settlement patterns of the ethnic groups in Nan, Thailand / Pannee Cheewinsiriwat
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 14, nº 4 (Set. 2013), p. 490-504
Descritores: Etnologia | Ásia
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[427064]  Show Record 

The use of GIS in exploring settlement patterns of the ethnic groups in Nan, Thailand / Pannee Cheewinsiriwat
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 14, nº 4 (Set. 2013), p. 490-504
Descritores: Etnologia | Ásia
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[451431]  Show Record 
The rational use of drugs in the management of acute diarrhoea in children / World Health Organization. - Geneva : WHO, . - IV, 71 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Diarreia infantil | Posologia | Medicamento
CDU: 616.934
Cota: M-14/4|IHMT
[32976]  Show Record 

The expansion of the Portuguese in the overseas in the light of modern anthropology / Jorge Dias. - Lisboa : Junta de Investigação do Ultramar, . - Estudos de Ciências Políticas e Sociais. II)
In: Enquête sur l'Anticolonialisme. - Lisboa. Junta de Investigação do Ultramar, (1957), p. 235/250
Descritores: África Lusófona | Etnologia | Ciências Sociais
Cota: 36-C-1|Soc. Geog. Lx.
[120233]  Show Record 

The effect of the local popular tribunal on the legal position of women in Mozambique / Nina Berg e Aase Gundersen. - [Oslo : Institute of Women's Law, University of Oslo], . - 21 p.
Descritores: Justiça | Mulher | Moçambique
[200730]  Show Record 

The expansion of the Portuguese in the overseas in the light of modern anthropology / Jorge Dias ; intr. M. M. Sarmento Rodrigues. - Lisboa : Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, . - 394 p. ; 25,5 cm. - Estudos de Ciências Políticas e Sociais. II). - Professor do Instituto Superior de Estudos Ultramarinos - Lisboa.
In: Enquête sur l'anticolonialisme / J. Roussier ...[et al.]. - Lisboa : Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1957. - p. 251-263
Descritores: Portugal | Etnologia
Cota: PP694|AHM
[227263]  Show Record 

The biology and availability of the spiny lobster palonurus delagoae barnard of the coast of Mozambique / Lília Brinca, Lisette Palha de Sousa. - Ilustrado.
In: Revista de Investigações Pesqueiras. - Nº 8 (1983), p. 27-52
Descritores: África Meridional | Moçambique | Biologia | Zoologia | Espécie marinha
Cota: PP715|AHM
[210910]  Show Record 

The role of the Culama in the resistance against the maroccan invasion of the sudan / Fadel L. Abdallah
In: A current bibliography on african affairs. - Vol. 19, nº 1 (1986-1987), p. 47-60
Descritores: África | Sudão | Ocupação militar
Cota: PP1007|AHM
[336113]  Show Record 

The slow death of the first republic / Stewart Lloyd-Jones
In: Portuguese studies review. - V. 10, nº 2 (winter 2002-03), pp. 81-100
Descritores: Forças armadas
Cota: PP009/PS|FO
[341427]  Show Record 

An index of gold and silver artifacts unearthed in the People's Republic of China / Yeajen Liang-Lee, François Louis. - Zurich : Museum Rietberg Zurich, . - 80 p.
Descritores: Artes | China
Cota: 017(510)/YEA|FO
[372243]  Show Record 
China Central Television
60th anniversary of Founding of the People's Republic of China : National Day Military Parade &amp; Mass Pageant Celebrations : 1949-2009. - [Beijing : China Central Television, . - 3 DVD
Descritores: Documentário | Comemoração | China
Cota: 702-DVD|FO
[381404]  Show Record 

The causes of the depopulation of the western islands of the territory of New Guinea / by R. W. Cilento ; dir. Department of Public Health Territory of New Guinea. - Canberra : Department of Public Health, . - 82 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | População | Despovoamento
CDU: 614.1
Cota: C-3|IHMT
[409117]  Show Record 

The causes of the depopulation of the western islands of the territory of New Guinea / by R. W. Cilento ; [dir.] Department of Public Health Territory of New Guinea. - Canberra : Department of Public Health, . - 82 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | População | Despovoamento
CDU: 614.1
Cota: C-3|IHMT
[303018]  Show Record 

The representation of the Buddha's Birth and Death in the Aniconic Period / J. E. Van Lohuizen-de Leeuw
Descritores: Índia | Budismo
Cota: PP123/M|FO
[266361]  Show Record 

The failure of democracy in the Republic of Congo / John F. Clark. - Boulder ; London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, . - XII, 309 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Democracia | Crise política | Cultura política | Política africana | França | República do Congo | África Central
[283357]  Show Record 

An explanation for the end of political bank robbery in the Republic of Korea : The T + T Model / James C. Schopf
Descritores: Cofre bancário | Coreia
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
[326843]  Show Record 

Cultural relations between the people's republic of China and the european union since 1978 / Werner Meissner
In: Daxiyangguo : Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Asiáticos. - Nº 3 (1º semestre 2003), p. 29-41
Descritores: Ciências sociais | Macau | Portugal
Cota: CS-2036|FCM
[430983]  Show Record 

The history of privately controlled higher education in the Republic of China / Anthony C. Li. - Washington : The Catholic University of America Press, . - [6], XI, [7], 157 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - An abstract of a dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the Catholic University of America in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.
Descritores: China | História | Educação | Ensino superior | Ensino privado | Investigação universitária
Cota: 5-25-49-11|BGUC
[49516]  Show Record 

The use of the chemical and physiochemical properties of laterites in their identification / R. M. Madu
In: Sail mechanics and foundation engineering: proceedings of the 8th regional conference for África, Harare 1984.- Rotterdam: A.A.Balkema, 1980.- p. 105-116
Descritores: Angola | Ciência dos solos
Cota: s/cota|LNEC
[153875]  Show Record 

The use of computers in the observation of dams / J. L. Serafim e F. da Silveira. - Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, . - 25 cm. - Memória. 252)
Descritores: Portugal | Indústria informática
Cota: APP-342|AHSTP
[153948]  Show Record 

The use of modal analysis in the mechanical characterization of rock masses / Fernando de Mello, L. Aires de Barros, F. Peres Rodrigues. - Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, . - 9 p. ; 29 cm. - Memória. 340)
Descritores: Portugal | Obras públicas | Obras de engenharia civil
Cota: APP-342|AHSTP
[201794]  Show Record 

People of god in the missionary nature of the church / Robert Rweyemanu
In: Cahiers des Religions Áfricaines. - Vol. 3-6 (1969), p. 321-323
Descritores: África | Religião | Igreja
Cota: PP450|AHM
[203354]  Show Record 

The place of the laws of Lesotholi in the legal system of Lesotho / Sebastian Poulter
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 71 nº 283 (1972), p. 144-162
Descritores: Legislação | Lesoto
Cota: PP446|AHM
[218087]  Show Record 

The development of the concept of the datum line in relation to standards of living / Brunhilde Helm
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 46, nº 7 (1950), p. 208-212
Cota: PP476|AHM
