- Hoge, Afonso
- Hoge, J [2]
- Hogendorn, Jan [4]
- Hogendorn, Jans S.
- Hogendorp, C. S. W. de
- Hogg, Beth
- Hogg, Garry
- Hogg, Richard [2]
- HOGG, Robert V. [3]
- Hoggan, M. David [3]
- Hogge, David
- Hogger, Ruedi [2]
- Hoguane, A. M.
- Ho-Han Chang
- Hohe, Tanja
- Hohenberger, J.
- Hohenthal Jr., W. D.
- Hohenthal, W.
- Hohlfeldt, Antonio [3]
- Hohnholz, Jürgen H.
- Hoi, John
- Hoi, Mok Va
- HOIJER, Harry [2]
- Hoijer, Harry, co-aut.
- Hoi-Kwok Wong [2]
- Hoi-Kwok, Wong
- Hoil, David
- Hoile, David
- Hoirisch, Marisa
- Hoisel, Evelina [2]
- Hoisington, William A.
- Hoizey, Dominique
- HOJ, Lars
- Hokkanen, Markku [3]
- Hol, Ladislav
- Holanda, Aurélio Buarque de [3]
- Holanda, Bartolomeu Buarque de
- Holanda, Flávio Augusto Guimarães [3]
- Holanda, Francisco de [3]
- Holanda, Frederico de
- Holanda, Gastão de
- Holanda, Lourival [2]
- Holanda, Nilson
- Holanda, Sandra Maria Monteiro [2]
- Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de [14]
- Holanda. Direcção-Geral da cooperação Internacional
- Holanda. Ministére des affaires Étrangeres. Direction Generale de la Cooperation Internationale
- Holanda. Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros
- Holanda. Ministry of Foreign Affairs [3]
- Holanda. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Directore General International Cooperation Operations Review Unit
- HOLANDA. Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport [3]
- HOLANDA. Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam
- Holas, B. [21]
- Holas, Bohumil, 1909-1979 [3]
- HOLBEÉK, Henri van [2]
- Holbig, Heike
- Holbrook, Leona [3]
- Holcombe, Chester
- Holcroft, Harry [3]
- Holdder-Williams, Richard
- Holden , Patrick
- Holden, Daniel Eric Wesley
- Holden, Edith
- Holden, Stein
- Holden, Vanessa F. [4]
- Holden, William N. [3]
- Holder, Gilles [4]
- Holder, Julie
- Hölderlin
- Holdstock, T. Len
- Holdt, Karl Von [5]
- HOLEM, Anthea [3]
- Holemans, K. [6]
- Holford, William
- Holl, Augustin
- Holladay, J. M. Douglas
- HOLLAENDER, Alexander [3]
- Holland, John C.
- Holland, Martin [2]
- Holland, Ruth
- Holland, Stuart
- HOLLAND, Walter H. [3]
- HOLLAND, Walter W. [3]
- HOLLANDER, A. M. de [3]
- Hollas, H.
- Hollemaan, F. D.
- Holleman, J. F. [2]
- Holliday, C. S.
- Holliday, Frank
- Holliday, Frank R. [3]
- Holliday, Ian [8]
- Holliday, M. A. K.
- Hollingsworth, J. Rogers
- Hollingsworth, Lawrence W.
- Hollingworth, Clare
- HOLLIS, F. [3]
- Hollis, Frank [2]
- HOLLISTER, Robinson G.
- Hollman, J. F.
- Holloway, J. E. [2]