- O'Connor, Letitia Burns
- O'Connor, Mary I.
- O'Conor, J. E.
- Octaviani, Alessandro
- OCTÁVIO, Luiz e outros
- Octávio, Maria Julieta [2]
- Octavio, Rodrigo
- Oculi, Okello
- Odalia, Nilo
- Odartchenko, Nicolas
- Oddie, G. A.
- ODDO, C. [4]
- Oddone, Nanci
- Odé, Johannes
- Oded, Arye
- Odeith
- Odekon, Mehmet
- ODELBERG, Erica [2]
- Odell, Peter R.
- Odén, Bertil [10]
- Odenthal, Dagmar
- Odesola, Segun N.
- Odet, F.
- Odette Mascarenhas
- Odhiambo, E. S. Atieno [5]
- Odhiambo, Thomas R. [2]
- Odient, Jacques
- Odigo, John
- Odilon, Marcus
- Odink, Henk
- Odner, K. [3]
- Odoards, Antoine E. N. Fantin des
- Odoki, Benjamin J. [2]
- Odom, Thomas P. [2]
- Odone, Augusto
- Odongo, Tobias Otieno [2]
- O'DONNEL, H. [2]
- O'Donnel, Henrique
- O'Donnell, H. [8]
- O'Donnell, Henrique [5]
- O'Donnell, Margaret J.
- O'Donoghue, Rob
- Odru, Louis
- Oduaran, Akpovire [2]
- ODUM, Eugene P. [6]
- ODUM, Howard T. [2]
- ODUM, Rasmus
- Odunfa, S. A.
- Odunsi, Bennett A.
- Oduntan, S. Oludayisi
- Ody, Joelle
- Odzer, Cleo
- OECD [9]
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- OECD. Centre for Co-operation with Economies in Transition and the East-West Center
- OECD. Development Centre
- Oechtering, MGR J. H.
- Oeiras, Luís [2]
- Oeiras. Câmara Municipal [2]
- OEIRAS. Presidente da Câmara Municipal, 1985-2001 (Isaltino Afonso Morais)
- OEIRAS. Presidente da Câmara Municipal, 2005-2013 (Isaltino Morais)
- Oertel, Gerhard [13]
- Oerver, R. Van de [2]
- Oesmarescause, Joseph [2]
- OESTEDIAM - Companhia de Diamantes Oeste de Angola, SARL
- Oesterlen, Mathis
- Oesterley, W. O. E.
- OETER, D. [2]
- Oettinger, Marilyn T.
- Oettlle, A. G.
- Oever, Rinie Van Den
- O'Fahey, R. S.
- Ofara, Ralph
- Ofcansky, Thomas P. [3]
- Ofei, Eric
- Ofélia, Margarida [2]
- OFFENBERG, Lucien [8]
- Offer, Geraldo
- Office de la Recherche Scientifique et tecnhique Outre-mer [2]
- Office des Publications Officielles des Communautés Européennes
- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities [3]
- Office Locations of KFW Bankegruppe in Developing Countries
- Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
- Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa and the Least Developed Countries
- Official Development Assistance
- Offiong, Daniel A. [8]
- Offiong, Daniel O. [3]
- Oficina de Información del Consejo de Estado de la República Popular China [4]
- Oficina de Informaciön del Consejo de Estado de la República Popular de la China [3]
- Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
- Oficinas do Convento [2]
- O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger
- Ofoegbu, Mazi Ray
- Ofori, Ruby [2]
- Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin
- Ofstad, Arve [7]
- Oftenberg, Simon
- Ogada, Joshua [3]