- W.E.B. du Bois Institute
- War and peace library
- Warfare and history [4]
- Warfare in history
- WBI development studies [2]
- Werken der linschoten-vereeniging
- West african history series [9]
- West african studies
- Westafrikanische Studien [5]
- Westafrikanische Studien. [7]
- Western African studies [9]
- Westview case studies in anthropology [2]
- Westview Special Studies on Africa [4]
- Westview special studies on Latin America and the Caribbean [2]
- WHO AIDS [8]
- WHO Aids Series [2]
- WHO health and human rights publications series [2]
- WHO Model Prescribing Information [6]
- WHO offset publication [2]
- WHO Pesticides Residues Series [2]
- Wiley Australis tourism series
- Wiley series in probability and statistics [3]
- Wiley series in survey methodology [9]
- Wirtschafts und Sozialgeographische Arbeiten
- Wisdom of the East Series
- Wissenschaftliche reihe
- Women and change in the developing world
- Women and gender
- Women in Africa and the diaspora [3]
- Woodrow Wilson Center series [2]
- Working paper [6]
- Working paper series [12]
- Working paper series. ESRC Centre for Business Research [3]
- Working paper series. Institute of Social Studies [9]
- Working paper series. Intitute of Social Studies
- Working paper. Faculdade de Economia [2]
- Working Paper/Relatório
- Working Papers [5]
- Working papers in contemporary Asian studies [19]
- Working papers, ISSN 0871-2573 [2]
- Working Papper
- Works issued by the Hakluyt Society
- World anthropology [2]
- World Bank 2000 [3]
- World Bank country study
- World Bank discussion paper [3]
- World Bank discussion papers [10]
- World Bank Policy Research Working Paper [2]
- World Bank Policy Study , ISSN 0259-5966
- World Bank regional and sectoral studies
- World bank technical paper [4]
- World Bank Working Paper [18]
- World Bibliographical Series [8]
- World Commission on Protected Areas : best practice protected area guidelines series [2]
- World Employment Research Programme
- World perspective in philosophy and religion
- World perspectives
- World perspectives / ed. lit. Ruth Nanda Anshen
- World political theories
- World spirituality : an encyclopedic history of the religious quest
- World studies
- Wortkunst und dokumentartexte in africanischen sprachen [2]
- Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in Afrikanischen Sprachen [4]
- WP ;2014-07
- WRI report
- Writers of english : Lives and works
- Writing past colonialism
- Writings on democracy [2]