- SOCIUS working papers [17]
- Sol Nascente [2]
- Soldados do império [2]
- Somme Théologique [34]
- Sonda do mundo [2]
- Sonderchriften des Frobenius-Instituts
- Sonderschriften des Frobenius-Instituts
- Sondeschriften des Frobenius-Instituts
- Song of Goa [2]
- Source materials in ethnomusicology
- Sources for african history
- Sources for the study of religion in Malawi
- Sources in modern history series
- Sources of african history [3]
- South Africa update series
- South African Cultural Series [2]
- South african history online's social documentary photography series
- South African Institute of Race Relations
- South Asian studies
- South China and maritime Asia [2]
- Southern Africa specialised studies series
- Southern african languages and cultures [2]
- Southern african perspectives [19]
- Southern African political economy series [2]
- Southern african studies
- Southern cooperative [2]
- Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin [2]
- Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zu internationalen Problemen
- Spartacus
- Spatial patterns from the ninth to the sixteenth centuries
- Spear book series
- Spear books series
- Special issue
- Special Publications / Geological Society of London ; series editor A. J. Fleet
- Special report [2]
- Special report series
- Special report series / Medical Research Council [2]
- Specimen
- Spectrum law series
- Sphere library [3]
- Spiritan series
- Spiritana monumenta histórica
- Spiritana Monumenta Historica. Series Áfricana [4]
- Spiritualité [3]
- Spiritualités vivantes [4]
- Spiritualités vivants
- Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika SUGIA [2]
- SPRO-CAS publication [2]
- Sri Garib Das Oriental
- St. Antony's publications
- St. Antony's series [2]
- ST/CTC/40
- ST/SOA/Series A
- Staatswissenschaftliche studien
- Staff paper [8]
- Standards and global trade : a voice for Africa
- Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel
- State and democracy series [5]
- Statistics series [2]
- Storia e fatti di puglia
- Storia e Politica
- Storica di fonti e studi
- Storie e personaggi
- Strategies for Hope [3]
- Strategies for hope series
- Strumenti
- Students library
- Students' library
- Studi americani, culturali e linguistici
- Studi di storia delle esplorazioni
- Studi e ricerche
- Studi e testi
- Studi storici carocci [2]
- Studi superiori
- Studia missionalia [2]
- Studia missionalia upsaliensia
- Studia missionalia upsaliensia LIV [2]
- Studien über Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika
- Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte
- Studien zur Entwicklungsökonomie
- Studien zur Kulturkunde [11]
- Studien zur politikwissenschaft
- Studien zur politikwissenschaft.
- Studies and reports new series [3]
- Studies and training design division
- Studies from the Institute for Medical Research [4]
- Studies in Áfrican Archaeology [5]
- Studies in african diaspora [2]
- Studies in african economic and social development [20]
- Studies in african education [5]
- Studies in african health & medicine
- Studies in african health and medicine [9]
- Studies in african history [4]
- Studies in african literature [11]
- Studies in african political economy [2]
- Studies in african segmentary systems
- Studies in afrotropical zoology
- Studies in Anthropology and History [4]
- Studies in biology