- Wen Shi Zhe Chubanshe
- Wen Xing Shudian [2]
- Wenden Offset [3]
- Wenden Offset Private
- Wenden Offset Private Limited [5]
- WendenOffset Private Limited
- Wenguo Shuju
- Wenhai Publishing Co. [2]
- Wenhai Shuju
- Wenhua Tushu Gongsi
- Wenhua Yishu Chubanshe [44]
- Wenhua Yishu Chubashe
- Wenhui Bao [12]
- Wenjin [2]
- Wenjin Chubanshe
- Wenwu Chubanshe [3]
- Wenxiang Shuju
- Wenxin Editora
- Wenxue Guji Kanxing Chubanshe
- Wenyan Shuju
- Wenyi Shuwu
- Wenzhi Chubanshe
- Werner Dausien
- Werner Klinkhardt [2]
- Werner-Reimers-Stiftung
- Wesleyan [2]
- Wesleyan University Press
- West African Book Publishers
- Western Star Office [2]
- Western Washington University [2]
- Westport Bergin Garvey
- Westport Greenwood Press [5]
- Westport Praeger [9]
- Westview [11]
- Westview Press [46]
- Westwiew
- Westwiew Press [4]
- WH Allen & Co
- Wharton School Publishing
- Wheatsheaf Books
- Wheeler Publishing
- WhereAngola Book Publisher
- White Lotus [2]
- White Orchid Press [4]
- White Star [2]
- Whittaker and Co
- WHO Pesticides Evaluation Scheme [2]
- WHO Regional Office for Africa [6]
- WHO Regional Office for Europe [2]
- WHO Roll Back Malaria
- WHO. Regional Office for Europe [26]
- WHO. United Nations Environment Programme and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [2]
- Wiebadener Graphische Betriebe
- Wilco [2]
- Wilco Publishing House [5]
- Wild Heerbrugg
- Wildwood House [5]
- Wiley [4]
- Wiley Blacwell [3]
- Wiley Eastern [2]
- Wiley Eastern Limited [5]
- Wiley Eastern Private
- Wiley Interscience [2]
- Wiley-Blackwell [6]
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press [2]
- Wilhelm Ernst and sohn [2]
- William and Norgate [2]
- William B. Eerdmans Publishing
- William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company [2]
- William Blackwood [3]
- William Blackwood & Sons [3]
- William Blackwood and Sons
- William Cloves
- William Collina, Son & Company
- William Crooke
- William Heinemann [20]
- William Heinemann Medical Books [4]
- William Kimber
- William Morrow and Company
- William Wood [2]
- Williams and Norgate [6]
- Williams and Wilkins [21]
- Williams Wilkins [8]
- Willoughby & Co.
- Willy Eastern Limited
- Wind Engineering Section
- Windhoek, Republic of Namibia [6]
- Wing
- Wing King Tong Co. Ltd Hong Kong
- Wing Lung Bank Limited
- Winnipeg Chinese Development Corporation
- Winsome Books India [2]
- Wirtschafts und Sozialgeographischen Instituts der Friedrich-Alexander Universitõt
- Wisdom Publications
- Wisdom tree [4]
- Wishwa Prakashan