- Heron Press
- Hervester Wheatsheaf
- Hesperitanas
- Hester, Evett D.
- Het Spinhuis
- Heta Pandit [6]
- Heta Pandit : Hertitage Network
- Heta Pandit and The Heritage Network [3]
- Heta Pandit, The Heritage Network
- Heuris [2]
- Hewell Publications
- Hidroeléctrica de Cabora Bassa
- Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa, SARL
- Hidroeléctrica do Alto Catumbela, S.A.R.L. [4]
- Hidroservice Engenharia de Projectos Ltda
- Hidrotécnica de Lisboa
- Hidrotécnica Portuguesa [158]
- Hidrotécnica Portuguesa - Consultores para Estudos e Projectos [2]
- Hidrotécnica Portuguesa, Consulting Engineers
- Hiena [5]
- Hiena Editora [6]
- Hiena Editores
- Hieronymo Verdussen
- Hierosme Prost [2]
- Higginbotham & Co.
- Higginbotham and Co
- Higginbothams
- Higher Education [4]
- HIIK-Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research
- Hikosaka
- Hilger and Watts
- Hill and Wang
- Himalaya
- Himalaya Publishing House [7]
- Himalayan Books [5]
- Himalayan International Institute
- Hind Kitab
- Hind Kitabs Limited [2]
- Hind Pocket Book
- Hind Pocket Books [21]
- Hind Pocket Books (P), Ltd.
- Hind Pocket Books Ltd [4]
- Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd
- Hind Publishers
- Hind Union Press [2]
- Hindi Pocket Books [4]
- Hindi Pockets Books Ltd
- Hindi Sahitya Sadan
- Hindoo Patriot Press [2]
- Hindoology Books
- HindPocket Books [2]
- Hindu Vishvavidyalaya Sanskrit Publication Board
- Hindus
- Hindustan
- Hindustan Publishing Corporation
- Hindutva Publications
- Hipólito Andrade
- Hirmer Verlag Munchen
- His Majesty's Stationery Office [31]
- His Mayesty´s Stationery Off. [2]
- Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
- Hispano Americana [15]
- História & Crítica
- Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
- Historical Archives [2]
- Historical Archives of Goa [5]
- Hitchintac
- Hiung Shih Gallery
- Hi-Vision Productions
- Hnart T.Z. Gallery
- Hobby & Work
- Hobby Work
- Hoc Lvmine Vivo [2]
- Hodder [2]
- Hodder & Stoughton [2]
- Hodder & Stoughton Limited
- Hodder and Stoughton [14]
- Hodges, Figgis & Co.
- Hoëbeke
- Hoeber Medical Division [2]
- Hogarth Press [3]
- Hohm Press
- Hollis & Carter [2]
- Holo Books
- Holos Editora
- Holt Rinehart and Wiston [2]
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston [7]
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, inc.
- Holt,Rinebart and Winston
- Holy Spirit Printing Press [2]
- Homem Magazine [2]
- Homoeopathic Poor Dispensary
- Honda Foundation
- Honesty Publishers & Distributors
- Hong Bao Zhai
- Hong Kong Baptist University
- Hong Kong Book Centre
- Hong Kong Book Store
- Hong Kong Buddhist Association