Catálogo - Índice de editores

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  1. Department International Development
  2. Department of Archaeology
  3. Department of chemistry, Govt. college of arts, science & commerce
  4. Department of Cultural Affairs
  5. Department of Earth Sciences
  6. Department of Economics University of Gothenburg [2]
  7. Department of Entomology
  8. Department of Finance
  9. Department of Foreign Affairs [3]
  10. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  11. Department of Foreign Affairs] [28]
  12. Department of Health [12]
  13. Department of History of Religions
  14. Department of history of religions, University of Lund
  15. Department of history, Indiana University
  16. Department of Histroy, Pondicherry University and St. Thomas College Palai
  17. Department of Humanitarian Affairs
  18. Department of Information [5]
  19. Department of Information & Government of Goa
  20. Department Of Information & Publicity [13]
  21. Department of Information and Propaganda of the MPLA [2]
  22. Department of Information and Public Relations
  23. Department of Information and publicity [22]
  24. Department of Information and Publicity of Goa
  25. Department of Information and Tourism [4]
  26. Department of Information and Tourism for the Department of Social Welfare
  27. Department of Information e Publicity
  28. Department of Information Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
  29. Department of Information Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  30. Department Of Information, Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
  31. Department of International Development
  32. Department of Linguistics, University of Bombay
  33. Department of mines
  34. Department of National Development
  35. Department of National Development Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics [2]
  36. Department of NRI Affairs
  37. Department of Overseas Trade [3]
  38. Department of Public Health [6]
  39. Department of Public Information United Nations [2]
  40. Department of Publication
  41. Department of Science, Technology & Environment of Goa [2]
  42. Department of Social Anthropology
  43. Department of State [2]
  44. Department of the Navy
  45. Department of Tourism [6]
  46. Depatment of Information and Public Relations
  47. Deplano Network
  48. Depois do Modernismo
  49. DEPOL/INDE [2]
  50. Depos. Editorial Missões
  1. Depos. Gomes & Rodrigues
  2. Depos. Livr. Ler
  3. Depos. Minerva Central
  4. Depositária [2]
  5. Depositário Livraria Moreira
  6. Depósito das Escrituras Sagradas [4]
  7. Depósito do Seminário de Braga
  8. Depósito Especial de Livros
  9. Depósito União Gráfica
  10. DEPS [13]
  11. Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Kerala [2]
  12. Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Ceylon [4]
  13. Deptº de Educação de Adultos [2]
  14. Deptº de Informação da Associação Cabo-Verdiana
  15. Deputación Provincial da Coruña
  16. Deraniyagala Samarasinha Sriwardhana
  17. Derecção Geral de Floresta e Caça, Ministério do Desenvolvimento Rural e Pesca
  18. Derek O Brien
  19. Desafio das Letras
  20. DESC
  21. Desclée [39]
  22. Desclée de Bouwer et Cie.
  23. Desclée de Brouwer [41]
  24. Desclèe de Brouwer & Cie
  25. Desclée de Brouwer et Cª
  26. Desclée de Brouwer et Cie Éditeurs
  27. Desclée de Brouwer et Cie.
  28. Desclée de Brower & Cie.
  29. Desclée et Cie
  30. Desclée, de Brouwer et Companie
  31. Descoberta do Mundo [2]
  32. Descobrimento [2]
  33. Design First
  34. Design Press [2]
  35. Desjonquères
  36. Desoer [4]
  37. Despertar [3]
  38. Destacamento de Cabo Verde da Brigada de Estudos de Aeródromos das Provincias Ultramarinas [3]
  39. Desteny Books
  40. D'Estienne Roger
  41. Destinada ao Brasil
  42. Destinadas ao Brasil
  43. Destinos [5]
  44. DeThoms
  45. Deutchen Forschungsgemeins [2]
  46. Deutsch Buch-Gemeinschaft
  47. Deutsche Afrika - Gesellschaft e V.
  48. Deutsche Afrika Gesellsehaft [2]
  49. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  50. Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur

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