- Geographic names divisions
- Geographica
- Geographische Schuften
- Geogrges Bridel
- Geological Society of London
- Geologisch Instituut der Universiteit
- Georg Hirth
- Georg Philip & Son [3]
- Georg Thieme [12]
- Georg Westermann
- George Allen [2]
- George Allen & Co., Ltd
- George Allen & Un Win Ltd
- George Allen & Univen Ltd. [2]
- George Allen & Unwin [34]
- George Allen & Unwin Limited
- George Allen & Unwin Ltd [11]
- George Allen & Unwin Ltd. [6]
- George Allen an Urwin
- George Allen and Unwin [16]
- George Allen and Unwin, Ltd
- George Allen and Unwintid
- George Allen e Unwin Ltd
- George Allen Unwin
- George Bell $ Sons [2]
- George Bell & Sons
- George G. Harrap [2]
- George G. Harrap & Cº [2]
- George G. Harrap & Co. [2]
- George Losos [2]
- George Mark Moraes [2]
- George Newnes
- George Philip [5]
- George Philip & Son [3]
- George Philips & Son, Ltd
- George Routledge [6]
- George Routledge & Sons [5]
- George Routledge & Sons Ltd.
- George Routledge and Sons [3]
- George Routledge and Sons Limited
- George Washington University [2]
- Georges Bridel [16]
- Georges Carré [2]
- Georges Fanchon, Éditeur [2]
- Georges Thone, Éditeur
- Georgetown University Press [2]
- GEPAE [4]
- GEPE - Gabinete de Estudos e Prospectiva Económica do Ministério da Economia
- Ger. Mann Verlag [2]
- Gerald Pereira [3]
- Geraldes de Carvalho
- GERAP- Centro de Estudos Cooperativos de Organização e Projectos, CRL
- Gerard & C
- Gerard & Co.
- Gerard da Cunha [15]
- Gerard da Cunha ¤ Architecture Autonomou
- Gerard da Cunha ¤ Architecture Autonomous [3]
- Gerard da Cunha : Architecture Autonomous
- Gerard da Cunha and The Arquitecture Autonomous
- Gerardum de Groot [2]
- German África Society
- German Cooperation
- German Foudation for International Development
- German Kali Works
- German NGO-EU-Platform
- German Primate Center [2]
- German Technical Cooperation
- Germano J. Lopes [4]
- Germer Baillière [14]
- Germinal
- Germinal Editora e Distribuidora [4]
- Geronimo de Estrada Y Jvnco
- Gerpress [23]
- Gerpress Comunicação Empresarial e Marketing
- Gerry
- Gertum Carneiro S.A.
- Gesmédia
- Gestinfor, Lda
- Gesto [2]
- GETACA [2]
- GETAE Inspecção Provincial de Educação [2]
- Getulio M. Costa
- Geuthner [12]
- Ghana Publishing
- Ghana Publishing Corporation
- Ghana Universities Press [22]
- Ghandi Seva Sangh
- Ghent University [2]
- Ghez P. Dufart
- Giacinto Marietti
- Giacomo Monti
- Gian [3]
- Gian Publishing House [5]
- Giardini
- Gide et J. Baudry [2]
- Gide et J. Baudry, éditeurs
- Gideppe S.A.