- The Economist Intelligence Unit [34]
- The Economist Newspaper
- The Education Publishing
- The Educational Book Company
- The Educational Publishing
- The Educational Publishing Co
- The Educational Publishing Co.
- The Edwin Mellen Press [37]
- The English Language Book Society
- The English Universities Press
- The English Universities Press Ltd [2]
- The Epworth Press
- The Eschmann Memorial Fund
- The Eton Book Company
- The Eton Press
- The European Men's Health Forum [3]
- The European Union's Rapid Reaction Mechanism Pogramme [2]
- The Examiner Press [3]
- The F. A. Davis Co.
- The Feminist Press at the City University of New Yo
- The Feminist Press at the City University of New York [3]
- The Fine Arts Department [8]
- The Finmish Foundation for Studies [2]
- The First National City Bank
- The Folklorists
- The Foreign Policy Centre [2]
- The Free Age Press
- The Free Press [14]
- The Frick Art Museum
- The FruitMarket Gallery
- The Gardens Bulletin
- The General Fascist Confederation of Italian Industries [2]
- The Geographical Institute
- The Geological Society of South Africa
- The George Washington University [2]
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS tuberculosis and Malaria [3]
- The Global Fund to Figth AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
- The Globe Encyclopedia Company
- The Goa Daman and Diu Legislature Derpartment
- The Goa Foundation [14]
- The Goa Hindu Assocation Kala Vibhag
- The Goa Hindu Association [7]
- The Goa Hindu Association Kala Vibhag [5]
- The Goa League [3]
- The Goa Legislature Secratariat
- The Goa Philatelic and Numismatic Society
- The Golden Book Committee
- The Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee
- The Goog News
- The Government Central Press
- The Government of Andhra Pradesh [2]
- The Government Press
- The Government Printer [2]
- The Gramadhikari Printing Press
- The Grant Educational CO.
- The Guidebook Company [3]
- The Hague [4]
- The Hague Institute of Social Studies
- The Hakluyt Society [2]
- The Hakuyt Society [2]
- The Hamlyn Publishing Group
- The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited [2]
- The Harvard School of Public Health [2]
- The Harvill Press [3]
- The Haworth Press
- The Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture
- The Heritage Network [11]
- The Hesperian Foundation [3]
- The Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Councils
- The Hispanic Society of America
- The Home Library Club
- The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation [2]
- The Huxley Press
- The Hydrographer of the Navy
- The Imperial Bureau of Entomology [2]
- The Imperial Department of Agriculture in India
- The Imperial Department of Agriculture of India
- the India Magazine
- The India Society
- The Indian Academy of Sciences
- The Indian Book Shop
- The Indian Institute of Architects
- The Indian Medical Gazette
- The Indian Music Publishing House [2]
- The Indian Press [5]
- The Indian Priting Works
- The Indian Rationalistic Society
- The Indian Resort Hotels
- The Indian Society
- The Indian Theological Association
- The Information Office of Xiangxi Tujia-Miao
- The Information Service of the State of Portuguese India
- The Institute for the Study of Man in África
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
- The Institute of Comapny Secretaries of India
- The Institute Of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
- The Institute of Jesuit Sources [2]
- The Institute of Personality Development
- The International African Institute [6]
- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-The World Bank