- The Oriental Ceramic Society
- The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong
- The Oriental University Institute
- The Other Bookstore
- The Other India Press [14]
- The Other India Press ¤ The Apex Press
- The other Indian Press [5]
- The Overseas Comp. of Portugal
- The Overseas Companhies of Portugal
- The Overseas Companies of Portugal
- The Oxford University Press [5]
- The P. T. I. Book Company
- The Panch Howds Mission Press
- The Panini office
- The Patna University
- The Pauline Sisters Bombay Society
- The Pennsylvania State University Press
- The Pepin Press
- The Permanent Secretariad of AAPSO
- The Permanent Secretariat of AAPSO [2]
- The Perseverance Printing Press
- The Petrel Publishing House [3]
- The Pharmaceutical Press [2]
- The Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation
- The Philosophical Library
- The Planning Council General Secretariat
- The Poona Observer Press [2]
- The Popular Book Depot [11]
- The Popular Magazine
- The Presidency Printing Press
- The President [2]
- The President and Fellows of Harvard College [3]
- The Press of Case Western Reserve University
- The Principal
- The Principal,Chowgule College
- The prof. F. Correia-Afonso Memorial Fund
- The Public Health Laboratory Service [2]
- The Publication Division
- The Publications Division [5]
- The Pure Literature Monthly
- The Radcliffe Press [2]
- The Rama Tirtha Publication League
- The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture
- The Reader´s Digest
- The Red Sea Press [24]
- The Red Sea Press, Inc.
- The Regent Press of Kansas
- The Regents of the University of California [2]
- The Religious Education Press
- The Religious Tract Society [6]
- The Research Centre for Translation [2]
- The Rhodes-Livingstone Museum
- The Rockefeller Foundation [2]
- The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research [2]
- The Rockefeller University Press
- The Rockefeller University Press. Russell Sage Foundation [2]
- The Ronald Press [2]
- The Ronald Press Company
- The Rough Guides [3]
- The Royal Anthropological Institut of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
- The Royal College of Physicians [2]
- The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh [2]
- The Royal Institute of International Affairs
- The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs [3]
- The Royal Minitry of Foreign Affairs
- The S. African Institute of International Affairs [2]
- The Saint Andrew Press [7]
- The Sankrit Academy, Oshmania University
- The Scandinavian Institute of Áfrican Studies [11]
- The Scarecrow Press [78]
- The Scarecrow Press Inc,
- The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine [8]
- The Science of Society Foudation
- The Screcrow Pess
- The Secretariat of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues
- The Shanghai Mercury
- The Siam Society [3]
- The Smithsonian Institution
- The Society [2]
- The Society for the Resuscitation of Indian literatura
- The Society of St. Paul
- The South African Institute for Medical Research [6]
- The South African Institute of International Affairs [2]
- The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) [5]
- The South African Museum
- The Stanborough Press Ltd
- The Standard Press
- The State Board for Literature and Culture [14]
- The State Museum
- The State of the Borough
- The Stationery Office [5]
- The Stellar Press
- The Studio Publications
- The Studio, Lltd.
- The Superintendent of Government Printing
- The Superintendent, Govt. Press
- The Tanzania Society
- The Theosophical Publishing House [11]
- The Thomas Say Foundation [2]