- British Museum [13]
- British Museum (Natural History) [3]
- British Museum of Natural History [4]
- British Museum Press [4]
- British Museum Publications
- British National Export Council [2]
- British Society for Parasitology [2]
- British Standards Institution [2]
- Brito Nogueira
- Britsh Museum
- Britto´s O. B. A.
- Britto's O. B. A.
- Britto's O.B.A.
- Broadway [2]
- Broadway Book Center
- Broadway Book Centre [46]
- Broadway House
- Broadway Publishing House [5]
- Broadwiew Literary Texts [3]
- Brokhaus [2]
- Brookfield Ashgate
- Brookings Institution Press [18]
- Brooklyn Entomological Society [2]
- Brooks Publications [6]
- Broschek & Co. [24]
- Brotéria [28]
- Brotéria-Associação Cultural e Científica
- BRPC [2]
- Bruce Publishing Company
- Brülsche Universitätsdruckerei Giessen [2]
- Bruno Cassirer Publishers
- Bruno Catenacci, Wainer Stagnini
- Brussels Silvana Editoriale
- Bruylant [3]
- Bruylant-Academia [3]
- bruylant-Christophe & Compagnie, Éditeurs
- BTETH [5]
- Buchdruckerei Birkhõuser AG.
- Buchdruckerei E. Birkhäuser
- Buchet / Chastel
- Buchet/Chastel
- Buchet/Chastel-Corrêa
- Buchet-Chastel
- Bucknell University Press [5]
- Buddhist Publ. Soc. [7]
- Buddhist Publication Society [9]
- Budistas de Hong Kong
- BUEEK [2]
- Buffalo Urhobo Historical Society
- Bulzoni [4]
- Bulzoni Editore [2]
- Bumerang Verlag
- Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation [3]
- Bundesstelle für Aussenhanndelsin formation [2]
- Bunkamura Gallery
- Bureau d' évaluation et de la planification stratégique
- Bureau de Informação Pública [5]
- Bureau de la Press de la Presidence de la République
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
- Bureau des Etudes et de la Planification, Ministere de l'Education, de la Culture et des Sports
- Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Région Soudano-Sahélienne [2]
- Bureau d'Études Européen
- Bureau d'Informations Européennes S.P.R.L.
- Bureau for External Cultural Relations [3]
- Bureau Internacional du Travail
- Bureau International do Trabalho
- Bureau International du Travail [15]
- Bureau of Goanplogy
- Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases [2]
- Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics [2]
- Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
- Bureau of Printing [4]
- Bureau of Statistics [3]
- Bureau Régional de l'Europe [4]
- Bureaux
- Bureaux de la Revue Britannique [3]
- Bureaw of Publ.
- Bureu International du Travail
- Burgess [4]
- Buri International [2]
- Burn and Oates [2]
- Burns & Maceachern
- Burns & Oates [4]
- Burns & Oates, Limited
- Burns Oates & Washbourne [3]
- Buró Estatal del Turismo de China [2]
- Burrup, Mathieson & Co. [2]
- Business [3]
- Business Feed Communication [2]
- Business Publications
- Buske [5]
- Butterorths
- Butterworth [24]
- Butterworth & Co. [5]
- Butterworth Heinemann [7]
- Butterworth-Heinemann [5]
- Butterworths [21]
- Butterworths Scientific [8]