- Speech delivered at the corporative chamber
- Speech delivered at the forewell dinner, in the Ponta Vermelha palace, on the 12th August
- Speech of the Governor of Cape Verde Islands [2]
- Speech made by his Eminence on Mac-Mahon square after his arrival at Lourenço Marques
- Speech of the Governor General of Angola [2]
- Speech of the Governor General of Mozambique [2]
- Speech of the Governor of S. Tomé e Príncipe [2]
- Speeches delivered by his excellency the Minister of the Colonies
- Speeches and writings of Sarojini naidu
- Speeches of Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Speeches and writings of Annie Besant
- Speeches and writings [3]
- Speeches of Gopal Krishna Gohale
- Speleothems as proxies of rainfall variability in Western Brazil during the last 3800 yr
- SPELM à espera do arranque
- SPELM àespera do arranque
- SPELM quer apoiar PME
- Spencer Lopes regressa à carreira diplomática
- Sperança = Esperança
- Spetrochemical analysis and its application in science and industry
- Sphaeropsocopsio reisi n. Sp., premier représentant africain connu de la famille des Sphaeropsocidae (psocoptera, nanopsocetae, avec complements à la faune des psocoptéres angolais
- Sphaeropsocopsis reisi n. sp., premier représentand africain connu de la famille des sphaeropsocidae (Psocoptera, Nanopsocetae, avec compléments à la faune des Psocopteres angolais
- sphaeropsocopsis reisi n. sp., premier représentant africain connu de la familie des sphaeropsocidae (psocoptera, nanopsocetae), avec compléments à la faune des psocoptères angolais
- Sphaeropsocopsis reisi n. sp., premier représentant africain connu de la famille des Sphaeropsocidae (Psocoptera, Nanopsocetae), avec compléments à la faune des Psocoptères angolais
- Sphaeropsocopsis reisi n. sp., premier représentant africain connu de la famille des Shaeropsocidae (Procoptera, Nanopsocetae), avec complements à la faune des Psocoptéres angolais
- Spices and condiments
- Spicestory
- Spiders of the family Linyphiidae from Angola [3]
- Spiders ticks and mites [2]
- Spiders of the family linyphudae from Angola
- Spinnemarten der unterfamilie miayphantinae und der familie theridiidae aus Angola
- Spinnenarten der unter familie micryphantinael und der familie theridiidae aus Angola
- Spinnenarten der Unterfamilie Micryphantinae und der Familie Theridiidae aus Angola
- Spinnenarten der unterfamilie micrypantinae und der familie theridiidae aus Angola
- Spínola era capaz de mandar matar
- Spínola reconhece direito imediato à independência [2]
- Spinoza [2]
- Spirit of stone
- Spirit Ships
- Spirit mediumship in Bunyoro
- Spirit of india
- Spirit possession modernity and power in Africa [2]
- Spirit possession among the Lugbara
- Spirit possession in Ghana
- Spirit initiation in Ankole and a christian spirit movement in Western Kenya
- Spirit possession among the Tonga of Zambia
- Spirit possession among the Zulu
- Spirit possession and mediumship among the Alur
- Spirit houses and shrines of Thailand
- Spirit mediums as mediators in Korekore society
- Spirit possession in Northern Somaliland
- Spirit children among the Yoruba
- Spirit mediumship and society in África [2]
- Spirit of enterprise [2]
- Spirit possession in modern Zambia
- Spirit stones of China [2]
- Spiritual India Handbook
- Spirits of protest
- Spiritual aspects of indian music
- Spiritual authority and temporal power in the indian theory of government [2]
- Spiritual conquest of the East
- Spiritual agency & self-renewal in southern Mozambique [2]
- Spiritualité hindoue
- Spiritual reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries
- Spirits and scientists ideology, spiritism, and brazilian culture
- Spiritual notes to myself
- Spiritual vows of compassion [2]
- Spirou, Tintin et Cie une littérature catholique?années 1930 - années 1980
- Spirou, Tintin et Cie une littérature catholique? [2]
- Spleen e charutos
- Spleen e escravidão
- Spleen Editora
- Spleen de Dédalo
- Spleen de deuses
- Splendeur et magie des fêtes de l'Inde
- Splendours of imperial India
- Splendor's of China's Forbidden City
- Splendour and Sensuality in Angkor Period Khmer Jewellery [2]
- Split decision
- S.P.M. 9644
- Spodumene from Naamacotche (Alto Ligonha, Moçambique)
- Spodumene from Namacatche (Alto Ligonha, Moçambique)
- Spodumene from Namacotche, Alto Ligonha-Moçambique
- Spodumene from namacotche ( Alto Ligonha, Moçambique)
- Spodumene from namacotche
- Spodumene from Namacotche, Alto Ligonha, Mozambique
- Spodumense from Namacotche (Alto Ligonha, Moçambique)
- Spodumente from Namacotche (Alto Ligonha, Moçambique)
- Spodumene from Namacotche (Alto Ligonha, Mozambique) [3]
- Spoken konkani [4]
- Spoken portuguese [2]
- Spoligtyping e polimorfismo do gene pncA [3]
- Spongiaires du Canal de Mozambique
- Sponsa Verbi
- Sporotrichosis infection on mines of the Witwatersrand [2]
- Sportoons
- Sports and public health
- Spotlight on Bangla Desh [2]
- Spotting birds
- Spreading american corporatism