- St. Xavier's College magazine
- Sta. Gemma Galgani
- Sta. Pelagia
- Sta Sancha [3]
- Staat, Politik und Menschenrechte in AfriKa
- Staatsgreep in Guiné Bissau
- Stability of performance of some released sorghus varieties
- Stabilization in the the manyika dialect of the shona group
- Stabilizing Nigeria
- Stabilization in Bantu
- Stabilisation policies and the effects on child health in Zimbabwe
- Stabilité des constructions
- Stachytarpheta fallax a.e. gonç. nom. nov. para upochea dichtoma baill., verbenaceae endímica de Cabo Verde
- Stachytarpheta fallax A. E. Gonç. nom. nov. para Ubochea dichotoma Baill., Verbenaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
- Stachytenpheta fallax A.F. Gong. "nom.nov." para "Ubochea dichotoma" Ball., verberaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
- Stachytarpheta fallax A. E. Gonçalves nom nov para ubochea dichtoma baill verbenaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
- Stacking the deck in Namibia [2]
- Stade resettlement policies in post-colonial rural Mozambique
- Stae politics and social domination in Zimbabwe [2]
- STAE staff to be trained in Portugal
- Staff, facilities research capabilities
- Stage internacional de archivos de Paris, 1978
- Stagnation without equity
- Stained earth
- Stakeholders theory and corporate social responsability (CSR) an empirical study on public private partnership (PPP) for healthcare in China
- Stakeholders
- Stakeholders theory and corporate social responsability (CSR)
- Stamp collecting
- Stamp duties in indian states
- Stamp news
- Stampe cinesi del nuovo anno
- Stampe cinesi del nuono anno [2]
- Stamps of the British Empire
- Standard Eléctrica em Angola [2]
- Standard methods of the division of laboratories and research of the New York State Department of Health [2]
- Standard Totta
- Standards culturais Brasil x Portugal Melina Pamplona Saraiva e
- Standards for cataloging nonprint materials [2]
- Standardisation du café portuguais, progrés de laboratoire, first session FAO Tecnhical Working party on coffee production and protection
- Standards culturais entre Portugal e China [2]
- Standard illustrated dictionary of the english languae
- Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage [3]
- Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater [2]
- Standart Totta
- Standex Alumínio
- Standing on the Brink
- Standing orders, rules and notifications issues under the sea customs act of 1878, pertaining to the department of Customs, Bombay
- Standing for sanctions
- Standing up to sexism
- Stanley
- Stanley´s first and second expeditions through Mpwapwa and W. L. Farquhar's Grave
- Stanley's first opinions [2]
- Stanley the impossible life of Africa's greatest explorer [2]
- Stanley au secours d'Emin-Pacha
- Stanze all Infante don enrico
- Staphylococus pyogenes [2]
- Staphylococcus pyogenes [2]
- Star dust
- Star Fairy as Collateral Damage
- Stars...
- Starting positions [2]
- Stary stories
- State and class in Guinea-Bissau in view of the November 1980 coup
- State and locality in mugal India
- State and religion in the Sudan sudanese thinkers
- State building and democratization in Africa faith, hope, and realities [2]
- State and nation building
- State and religion in the Sudan
- State and revolution
- State and society in Kenya
- State capacity and contemporary China
- State ceremonial, court culture and political power in Denmark 1536-1746
- State coercion and the balance of awe
- State cultural policy
- State action and class interests in the Ivory Coast
- State and ethnicity in precolonial Northern Nigeria
- State and nation in the context of social change
- State against development
- State and government in ancient India
- State and market in public service provision [2]
- State budget re-enforced
- State collapse and post-conflict development in Africa the case of Somalia (1960-2001) [2]
- State and society in francophone Africa since independence [2]
- State bank of India 1955/1965
- State and religion under the dutch in Ceylon, c. 1640-1796
- State and society relationships in India
- State and business in the era of globalization
- State and traditional law in Angola and Mozambique
- State bank transformation in Brazil
- State formation in ancient Orissa
- State formation, Rural Development and peasants in Guinea-Bissau
- State enterprise in Nigeria and Ghana
- State housing rents up more 50%
- State education policy and the social reprodution of the urban african working class
- State formation [2]
- State failure and state weakness in a time of terror
- State funds mis-used
- State identities and the homogenisation of peoples
- State intervention and the environment in Sudan, 1889-1989
- State legitimacy and development in Africa [2]