- The schistosomiasis manual
- The scene, a slow boat down the Mekong River [2]
- The scheduled tribes
- The school of colonial prison [2]
- The science of hygiene [2]
- The scientist as historian [2]
- The science of archives in South África
- The science of bharata natyam
- The science of the soul force or Mahatma Gandhi's doctrine of truth & non-violence
- The science of self realization
- The scientific development of citriculture in Southern África
- The SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa [2]
- The scope of the tragedy
- The scramble for Africa [5]
- The scrolls from the Dead Sea
- The scramble for art in central Africa [2]
- The sculpture of negro Africa
- The scramble for Áfricana
- The sculptural art of Densatil [2]
- The scramble for southern Africa, 1877-1895
- The search for sustainable democracy, development and peace
- The second and the third annual report of the Ornellas literary Institute established June 1883
- The secret life of rocks [2]
- The secret lives of antiques
- The secret of Akon
- The secret of Mahabharata
- The security Dilemma in the US-China Military Space Relationship
- The security of Sea Lanes in Southeast Asia
- The search for a national consensus the making of the 1995 uganda constitution
- The second world war revival of forced labor in the Rhodesias
- The security situation across the Taiwan strait
- The security-development nexus
- The security-development nexus expressions of sovereignty and securitization in Southern Africa
- The Sea or Mariner's Astrolabe [2]
- The Seaman and the printer [2]
- The search for modern China
- The search for road building materials in the sonds of Owambo
- The second pan-african congress on prehistory
- The secret of the chinese method of transcribing foreign sounds
- The Security Police, D. G. S., in Mozambique
- The search for civil society and democracy in china
- The secret chamber
- The secrets of chinese maps
- The sea bird
- The sea hawk
- The seach of África
- The search for sustainable democracy, development and peace the Sierra Leone 2007 elections [2]
- The Seattle Asian Art Museum [2]
- The secondary phosphate minerals from Conselheiro Pena pegmatite district (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- The secret discovery of Australia [4]
- The secret manchu documents on the trial of Jesuit missionary Johann Adam Chall (1592-1666) before the supreme court of Peking
- The security dimension of sino-japanese relations
- The seal of the prophets and his message
- The search for a national consensus
- The search for Mother África
- The seasonal hunger in tropical África as a cultural phenomenon
- The search for continetal unity [2]
- The seasons of human-kind
- The second decade of war
- The second Tokyo workshop on ODA evaluation
- The secret history of the Mongols [2]
- The seed is mine
- The semantie problem of intensive forms in hause verbs
- The selected works of Rabindranath Tagore
- The selling policies of the african export marketing boards
- The selling of Agadir
- The seminar on problems of coordinating research on co- operatives in developing countries, Warszawa, May 1972
- The selling of cyberspace
- The senses of insects [2]
- The sepoys and the company
- The sequence in the middle Zambezi Valley
- The Senkaku-Diaoyu dispute and Sino-Japanese political-economic relations
- The sequence and consequences of bank restructuring in South Korea, 1998-2006 [2]
- The Senegal-Mauritania conflict of 1989 [2]
- The sense of beauty
- The sensuous and the sacred
- The Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute and Sino-Japanese political-economic relations
- The September 1992 elections in Angola
- The service retinues of the Chola court [2]
- The seven principal musical notes of the hindus
- The settlement problems of nomadic fulani in Nigéria
- The seus and the minotaur of Knossos
- The seven coast trails of Africa
- The seven cultures of capitalism value systems for creating wealth in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands
- The serial killer [2]
- The seven deadly sins
- The seventh day of the creation
- The serial verb construction in fa d'ambu
- The settling of sand dunes on the island of Inhaca
- The seven cultures of capitalism value sytems for creating wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands
- The serial killer e outros contos resíveis ou talvez não romance
- The service for combating Trypanosomiasis in Mozambique [2]
- The setupatis, the dutch, and other bandits in eighteenth-century ramnad
- The sexual demon of colonial power pan-african embodiment and erotic schemes of empire
- The sextants of Beijing
- The shadow follows
- The Shanghai Museum [2]
- The shape of the cosmos according to cuneiform sources
- The shackled continent
- The shadow of Kamakhya