- Stratégies de l'alimentation et de la nutrition dans le développement national
- Stratégies pour la prévention de la cécité dans les programmes nationaux [2]
- Stratification and modern changes in an ancestral cult
- Stratigraphical analysis of island arc-contimental margin collision in eastern Indonesia
- Stratigraphy, facies, and significance of Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary sedimentary rocks of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, and Maio, Cape Verde Islands
- Stratified settlement and moulting competency of brachyuran megalopae in Ponta Rasa mangrove swamp, Inhaca Island, Mozambique
- Stratigrafi dan Perkembrangan Struktur di Kepulauan Tanimbar, Indonesia Timur
- Stratiform copper and zinc mineralization in the cretaceous of Angola
- Stratigraphie de la bande sedimentaire au Sud de Benguela
- Strauss ia a Luanda
- Stravinsky e Portugal
- Stray birds
- Stray glimpses of Bapu
- Stray mango branches
- Strcture and biologic characteristics of prion protein (scrapie amyloid) [2]
- Streamlining Africa's responses to the impact of review and implementation of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement [2]
- Streams and Mountains without end [2]
- Street addressing and the management of cities [2]
- Street life
- Street sociology and pavement politics
- Streetwise [2]
- Strengthening regional integration and development
- Strengthening african local initiative [3]
- Strengthening health management in districts and provinces [2]
- Strengthening the roots
- Strengthening ethnic identity consciousness and the role of tactical voting in multi-racial Malaysia
- Strengthening the partnership
- Strengthening Africa's participation in the globale economy
- Strengthening regional economic and trade co-operation, actively exploring business opportunity
- Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger
- Strengthening environmental co-operation with developing countries
- Strengthening primary education in Kenya
- Strengthening food policy through gender and intrahousehold analysis
- Streptococcal Infections [2]
- Stress [2]
- Stress and intonation and the intelligibility of South Áfrican black english
- Stress e fadiga mental no âmbito do trabalho
- Stress depressão e suicídio [3]
- Stress nas aves
- Stress pós traumático e adaptação
- Stress problems of expatriates in multinational enterprises in China
- Stress e satisfação profissional no pessoal médico médico e de enfermagem dos centros de saúde [3]
- Stress in three creoles
- Stress, crisis and behaviour a south african case
- Stresses and strains in an anisotropic-orthotropic body
- Stretched on a frame of boundless thought [2]
- Strife [2]
- Striga
- Strike movements as part of the anticolonial struggle in french west África
- Strike wave ripples acros Southern África
- Strike wave ripples across Southern África
- Strikes
- Strikes in China's export industries in comparative perspective
- Striking back the labour movement and the post-colonial state in Zimbabwe 1980-2000
- Striving in faith christians and muslims in Africa
- Striving for the wind
- Striving for filantropic success
- Strom und Sees
- Stromas predicaveis
- Strong state and strong civil society in contemporary South Korea
- Strong executive, weak policy capacity
- Stronger evaluation partnerships
- Strongman on the Cape Flats
- Strontian aragonite deposited by hot springs in the Cuanza Sul district (Angola)
- Strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopic and trace-element signatures of the East Indonesian sediments [2]
- Structural adjustment source of structural adversitysocio-economic stress, health and child nutritional status in Zimbabwe
- Structural obstacles to economic development
- Structural segmentation, inversion, and salt tectonics on a passive margin
- Structures et relations siciales em pays Bisa (Haute-Volta)
- Structural adjustment and social policy in Mozambique
- Structural adjustment reconsidered
- Structural conservation of monuments in south India
- Structure and agency in the world of Asian commerce during the era of Europen colonial domination (C. 1750-1950) [2]
- Structure and tectonic evolution of the Exmouth Plateau area off Western Australia
- Structure du Bodiaranke da Guinée et du Senegal
- Structures and meanings
- Structures sociales traditionnelles en Afrique noire
- Structural adjustment and rural labour markets in Africa
- Structural adjustment and the African crisis [2]
- Structural adjustment, reconstruction and development in Africa
- Structural semantics
- Structural units and tectono-metallogenic provinces within the Congo and Kalahari cratons of southern Africa
- Structuralisme ou ethnologie
- Structure, policies and growth prospects of Nigeria
- Structures político-administratives des provinces portugaises d'outre-mer
- Structural behaviour and safety criteria
- Structural change and development policy
- Structural versus nonstrutural form of social capital [2]
- Structure et classification d'une devescovinide de l'intestin d'un rugitermes sp. nov., recolté à la ferme agricole expérimentale de sertãozinho
- Structures of colonialism in Ito Seiïs "Yuki no machi" [2]
- Structures sub-volcaniques carbonatitiques d'Angola
- Structuring architecture at the cultural crossroads [2]
- Structuring international economic cooperation
- Structural adjustment [2]
- Structural adjustment in África [4]
- Structural adjustment or transformation or both
- Structural aspects of cell physiology [3]
- Structural stability in an african context [2]
- Structure and functions of soul in jainism
- Structure and symbols of regional social movements