- Structure sociales traditionnelles en Afrique noire
- Structural adjustiment in África
- Structural adjustment and agricultural pricing in Mozambique
- Structural adjustment programmes and welfare interventions
- Structural adjustment, human neds, and the world bank agenda [2]
- Structural analysis including deformability of foundations by finite elements
- Structural change in the Sierra Leone protectorate
- Structural history of the western front of the Mozambique Belt in northeast southern Rhodesia [2]
- Structure of the blue tongue virus genome and its encoded proteins [2]
- Structures of the church in Andhra Pradesh
- Structures sociales et politiques du Burundi
- Structures sociales traditionnelles et changements économiques
- Structural adjustment and the working poor in Zimbabwe
- Structural adjustment in sub-Saharan África
- Structural adjustment the SAPRI reportthe policy roots of economic crisis, poverty and inequality
- Structural ajustment and social policy in Mozambique
- Structure et classification d'un devescovinide l'intestin d'un rugitermes sp. nov., recolte a la ferme agricole experimentale de serãosinho (e'tat de São Paulo)
- Structures démographiques et fécondité urbaine [2]
- Structures of prion proteins and conformational models for prion diseases [3]
- Structural adjustment and beyond in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Structural adjustment and the crisis in Africa
- Structural adjustment ang agriculture
- Structural adjustment in Mozambique
- Structural adjustment programmes in África
- Structural model techniques some recent developments
- Structure du mythe et races d´Hésiode
- Structure et mutations d´un espace protoindustriel a sa tin du xvi e siécle
- Structures de parenté et d'alliance d'aprés les formules Pende [2]
- Structures de type "féodal" en Afrique noire
- Structures fonciéres et création urbaine á Abidjan
- Structures of intermediation and chenge in Áfrican agriculture
- Structures sociales du Haut-Atlas
- Structures, properties, and possiblle biologic functions of polyadenylic acid [2]
- Struggle for independence
- Struggling with destinity in Karimpur, 1925-1984 [2]
- Struggling with history islam and cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean [2]
- Struggles in southern Africa for survival and equality
- Struggle unfinished [6]
- Struggles for justice
- Struggling to survive
- Struggle for Hegemony in India 1920-47 [2]
- Struggling to forgive
- Struggle for the city
- Struggles for citizenship in Africa [5]
- Struggle between padroado and propaganda fide (1886-1928)
- Struggle for freedom
- Struggle for Africa [2]
- Struggle for control
- Struggling for livelihood
- Strukturen der abhangigkeit
- Strutural transformation in Zimbabwe
- Strutures sub - volcaniques carbonatitiques d' Angola
- Struture et symbolisme
- Stuart Cary Welch (1928-2008) [2]
- Stuck in middle GEAR South Africa's post-apartheid foreign relations [2]
- Students ambivalence toward their experiences in secondary education
- Students from Africa, the Caribbeans and the Pacific in the European Community
- Students notes on the history of Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Student journalism, literature and elites in colonial Angola
- Student`s hand-book of roman law
- Students and the African Liberation Movement
- Student protest and state reation in colonial Rhodesia
- Student unrest
- Student's hand book [3]
- Students activism in Southern África
- Studi di uno zoologo sulla malaria [2]
- Studi etiopici
- Studi sulla letteratura agiografica islamica somala in lingua araba
- Studia [4]
- Studie over de achromatische gezichtsfuncties in de congenitale sensorële anomalieën van het menselijk oog en bij sommige amphibia en reptilia [2]
- Studie van de leverinsufficiëntie precoma en coma [2]
- Studien zum roteiro der ent de ckungsfagrt
- Studien über Mautleisten Negriden aus Moçambique [2]
- Studies in Áfrican Music
- Studies in chinese institutional history
- Studies in german colonial history
- Studies in history
- Studies in Indian coins
- Studies in medieval Indian history and culture
- Studies in Mimamsa, Dr. Mandan Mishra Felicitation Volume
- Studies in religious history
- Studies in the ethiopic anaphoras
- Studies in the geography of ancient and medieval India [3]
- Studies in the history of Indian philosophy [2]
- Studies in the social background of the forms of marriage in ancient India
- Studies in the theory of imperialism
- Studies on the larval competition of the bruchid beetle
- Studies in early indian paiting
- Studies in Kabuki
- Studies in modern indian history
- Studies in modern indian political thought (Gandhi an interpretation)
- Studies in Natyasastra
- Studies in philosophical criticism and construction
- Studies in Portugal and Creole
- Studies in the history of central Nigeria area [3]
- Studies in tropical África umbeliferae
- Studies in tropical african "Umbelliferae"
- Studies in tropical Áfrican umbelliferae
- Studies of sampling techniques and chemical analyses of vegetables [2]
- Studies of sustainable agriculture and animal science in Sub-Saharan Africa [2]