- The zoogeographical composition of the intertidal fauna at Inhaca island, Mozambique
- The Zulu aftermath
- The Zulu petit bourgeoisie and Zulu nationalism in 1920's
- The Zulu [2]
- The1952 year book of medicine
- Theater as music
- Theater as praxis
- Theatre and postcolonial desires [3]
- Theatre and social change in Zambia the Chikwakwa theatre
- Theatre in Thailand today [2]
- Theatre lacks economic support in SADC countries
- Theatre for development in Zimbabwe
- Théâtre forum au Burkina-Faso et Au Mali
- Theatre in ancient India
- Thêatres d'Orient
- Théatre et religion en Asie
- Théâtre d'ombres
- Théâtre et mythomanie
- Théatre classique
- Theatre in portuguese-speaking african countries [2]
- Theatre India [2]
- Theatre in the East
- Theatrical winds of change in east África
- Theatro critico universal o discursos varios en todo genero de materias, para desengano de errores comunes, dedicado AL R. P. M. Fr Joseph de Barnuevo, general de la Congregacion de Benito de Elpana, Inglaterra
- Theatro [2]
- Thécamoebieus des sols d'Angola (I)
- Thécamoebians des sols d'Angola
- Thécamoebiens des sols d'Angola (II)
- Thécamoebiens des sols d'Angola [3]
- Thécamoebiens des sols d'Angola. II
- Thécamoebieus des sols d'Angola
- Thechurch and politiks in Namibial
- Thedictator'sduet
- TheG8 and NePAD more than an elite pact?
- Theiler of onderstepoort [2]
- Thematic evaluation of population and development oriented programmes in EC external co-operation [2]
- Thematic evaluation on environmental and development in Finnish development do-operation
- Thematic evaluation of food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security [2]
- Thematic evaluation of the finnish humanitarian assistance
- Thematic evaluation on environment and development in finnish development co-operation [6]
- Thematic evaluation of aquaculture
- Themaz de Francez
- Thémes de la poésia Áfricaine, d´expression anglaise
- Themes in west Africa's history [2]
- Themes in african literature in french
- Themes in african and world history
- Thémis dans la monarchie tropicale
- Themis na monarquia tropical
- Thèmmes de notre temps
- Then and now in central África
- Then and now
- Then came the flowery flag
- Then I was black
- Then mane, the decline of Mali, and Mandinka expancion towards the south Windward Coast
- Then the white man came with his whitish ideas..., the british and the evolution of traditional government in Mampurugu
- Théne et varations
- Theodosivs lusitanus, sive principis perfecti vera effigies
- Theognis
- Theologia moral universal [2]
- Theologica scripta [4]
- Theologia moral [2]
- Theologia dogmática e moral
- Theologia fundamental ou apologetica
- Theologia para todos
- Theologia pastoral
- Théologie catholique et pensée asiatique [2]
- Theologiae dogmaticae institutiones quas Alovisius Vincentius Cassitus quasque in usum regalis Seminarii de Rachol
- Theological miscellanea
- Théologie et mystique des fleurs et des fruits au Portugal du XVIIe siècle
- Théologie de la paix
- Theologia dogmática e moral para uso dos fiéis
- Theologia moralis universa [2]
- Theologico das constituições
- Theology of the world
- Theological education that makes a difference [2]
- Théologie du péché
- Theor dos 7.º, e 9.º do officio do ill.mo e ex.mo s.r D. Manoel de Portugal e Castro vice-rey, e capitão general de mar e terra dos estados da India, datado de 10 de Mayo de 1831, dirigido ao ill.mo dezembargador ouvidor geral d.or Jozé Felippe Piris da Costa
- Theorema
- Theoretical and practical implication of I. M. F. conditionality in Zambia
- Theoretical influences of China on arabic alchemy
- Theoretical disarray and the study of democratisation in África
- Theoria da composição litteraria [2]
- Theoria das provas
- Theoria do direito penal aplicada ao código penal português comparado com o código do Brasil, leis Pátrias, códigos e leis criminais dos povos antigos e modernos
- Theoria e legislação do recâmbio
- Theorias da metrópole praticadas em África
- Theoria do Mirandês
- Theoria mathemática da propagação da luz nos meios homogéneos
- Théorie de la connaissance et philosophie de la parole dans le brahmanisme classique [2]
- Theories of africans
- Théories relatives aux «Races» et histoire de l'Afrique
- Theories of imperialism
- Theories of urbanization and the colonial city in West África [2]
- Théorie et pratique de l'art de l'ingénieur
- Theories of famine [2]
- Theories on african music
- Theories of the contemporanry state formation in África
- Théorie et analyse en linguistique
- Théorie générale de la population [2]
- Théorie te pratique de l'art de l'ingénieur