- Muzambo em passe de Semba
- Muzhi Guniang
- Muzungas
- Mvlheres portvgvêsas no Brasil
- Mvsev
- Mvwala
- Mvwala, o bastião do chefe
- Mwa kuvachwalidya va lwele na vapedile
- Mwadwumwa
- Mwalimu
- Mwarashene
- Mwasa strike affects
- Mwendanjangula aids in Zambia
- Mwizavo
- My 40 years with SBI
- My african journey
- My bianthropological investigations in Angola and Moçambique
- My bioanthrophological investigation in Angola and Moçambique
- My bleeding Punjab
- My book of english exercises [3]
- My book of indian stories 4
- My boyhood days
- My childhood with Gandhiji
- My China, the metamorphosis of a country and a man
- My Christmas book
- My club
- My collection
- My country and me
- My country, my people
- My cricketing years
- My date less diary
- My dateless diary
- My days [2]
- My dear bottle
- My dear child
- My dreams too are endless
- My dreams, my realities
- My early life
- My favorite Pahari cloth painting
- My first sixty years in China
- My first Portuguese language comapnion
- My Goa [3]
- My Goa & other poems
- My Goa and other poems [3]
- My head belongs to the King
- My India [2]
- My journeys through wonderland
- My journey [9]
- My memories and experiences of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
- My memorable moments with Bapu
- My music, my life [3]
- My non-violence
- My own private mongolia [2]
- My people
- My people my country
- My personal deposition in the case of Goa
- My poetry [2]
- My prayers [2]
- My rambles through the missions of the diocese of Mangalore
- My religion [2]
- My second self
- My song
- My son's father
- My story [3]
- My Tangier
- My task
- My teacher, my friend
- My tiomthropological investigations in Angola and Moçambique
- My traitor's heart [3]
- My trek through Uttarkhand
- My true faces
- My truth [5]
- My village girl
- My visit to South África
- Myanmar in 2012 [2]
- Myanmar's foreign trade and its political consequences [2]
- Myanmar (Burma) in 2000
- Myanmar in 2005
- Myanmar in 2009
- Myanmar in 2011
- Myanmar in 2003
- Myanmar in 2006
- Myanmar in 2007 [2]
- Myanmar in 2004
- Myanmar in 2008 [2]
- Myanmar in 2010
- Myanmar Naga adorned
- Myanmar lacqeur and gold leaf
- Mycetis
- "Mycobacterium africanum" em negros africanos residentes na República Federal da Alemanha
- Mycobacterium recombinant vaccines
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell envelope [3]
- Mycobacterial efflux pumps and chemotherapeutic implications [3]
- Mycoses of man and animals [4]
- Mymothamnaceae
- Mynothamnaceae
- Myobidae de l'Angola (Acarina
- Myobiidae de l'Angola (Acarina [2]
- Myobiidae de l?Angola (Acarina
- Myobridae de l'Angola (acarina