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  1. Évaluation de la puissance antigénique du liquide hydatique
  2. Evaluation de la stratégie de la santé pour tous d'ici l'an 2000 [4]
  3. Evaluation des projets d'epargne et de credit cofinancés para la Commission Europeenne et les ONG
  4. Evaluation for the "strategy for women and gender equality in development
  5. Evaluation MS at the crossroads
  6. Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Vietnam and Finland
  7. Evaluation of the public support to the Norwegian NGOs working in Nicaragua [2]
  8. Evaluation of the Tanzania-Norway development cooperation 1994-1997
  9. Evaluating 35 years of green revolution technology in villages in Bulandshahr district westen UP, North India
  10. Evaluating country programmes
  11. Evaluation capacity development
  12. Evaluation de l' intégration d' une perspective sexospécifique en Afrique subsaharienne
  13. Evaluation Ghana ports rehabilitation Phase 1 + 2
  14. Evaluation highlights on ODA loan projects, 2004
  15. Evaluation of Australian government funded NGO projects in Africa
  16. Evaluation of finnish
  17. Evaluation of health sector adjustment (HSAP) British Caribean dependent territories
  18. Evaluation of the framework agreement between the government of Norway and the United Nations environment programme (UNEP)
  19. Evaluation of the Indonesia national police management training project, 1983-96
  20. Evaluation of the Norergian education trust fund for Africa in the World Bank
  21. Evaluation of the Norwegian Education Trust Fund for Africa in the World Bank [2]
  22. Evaluation of the passive particle agglutination test in the serodiagnosis and follow-up of syphilis
  23. Evaluation of the rice production acelerated impact project Guinea-Bissau
  24. Evaluation relative au programme "annoncer la Coleur"
  25. Evaluating EU activities
  26. Evaluating track II approaches to security diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific
  27. Evaluation - WWF
  28. Evaluation capacity development in Asia
  29. Évaluation des soins se santé primaires
  30. Evaluation du projet d'appui a la reorganisation du cadastre en Guinée-Bissau
  31. Evaluation of direct execution
  32. Evaluation of revenue projects synthesis report [2]
  33. Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Ethiopia and Finland
  34. Evaluation of the norad fellowship programme
  35. Evaluation results
  36. Evaluating the world bank's reports [2]
  37. Evaluation and monitoring
  38. Evaluation du potentiel de developpement de l' elevage en Guinee-Bissau
  39. Evaluation du programme annoncer la couleur
  40. Evaluation externe du programme de commercialisation sociale du PSI en Guinée-Bissau
  41. Evaluation in health promotion
  42. Evaluation of general budget support [2]
  43. Evaluation of know-how fund assistance to the enterprise education programme, Slovakia
  44. Evaluation of school partnership policy in Botswana [2]
  45. Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Finland and Zambia
  46. Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation programme between Kenya and Finland
  47. Evaluation of the development cooperation activities of finnish NGO's in Kenya
  48. Evaluation of the environmental performance of EC programmes in developing countries
  49. Evaluation of the Norwegian investment fund for developing countries (Norfund)
  50. Evaluation study of the Goa houses-huts insurance scheme for weaker section
  1. Evaluating co-ordination and complementarity of country strategy papers with national development priotities
  2. Evaluating the impact of development projects on poverty
  3. Evaluating tobacco control activities [3]
  4. Evaluation capacity development in Africa
  5. Evaluation de projets du secteur transports a Madagascar
  6. Evaluation des projects transport au Benin
  7. Evaluation of a nested PCR for detection of Pneumocystis carinii in serum from immunocompromised patients [3]
  8. Evaluation of ACOPAM
  9. Evaluation of DFID country programmes [5]
  10. Evaluation of DFID's health work programmes in primary care policies & practices and health economics & financing
  11. Evaluation of EU aid to ACP countries managed by the commission phase I
  12. Evaluation of Finland's development cooperation activities of finnish NGOs and local cooperation funds in Tanzania
  13. Evaluation of programs promoting participatory development and good governance [2]
  14. Evaluation of the development cooperation between Norway and Nicaragua
  15. Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development [2]
  16. Evaluation of the strategy for assistance to children in Norwegian development cooperation
  17. Evaluation of the Technical Skills Training Project for the Tri-Lateral comission in Guinea-Bissau
  18. Evaluation research [2]
  19. Evalution of BSE risk factors among european countries [2]
  20. Evamba
  21. Evandro Lins e Silva novo Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros do Brasil
  22. Evangelho de N. S. Jesus Cristo [3]
  23. Evangelho de S. João comentado por Santo Agostinho
  24. Evangeli ya Marika = O santo evangelho segundo S. Marcos [2]
  25. Evangelicals and politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America [2]
  26. Evangelisatiepogingen in de binnenlanden van Afrika gedurende de XIXe eeuw
  27. Evangelize with the power of the spirit
  28. Evangelho [2]
  29. Evangelhos dos actos dos apóstolos
  30. Evangelii praecones
  31. Evangelista del Mar Pacifico
  32. Evangelização de Salcete até ao ano de martirio do B. Rodolfo Aquaviva e companheiros em 1583 [2]
  33. Evangelização e desenvolvimento em terras de Angola
  34. Evangelização em Angola
  35. Evangelização portuguesa em Cochim nos séculos XVI e XVII
  36. Evangelizar a África por meio da África
  37. Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum
  38. Evangelização de Cabo Delgado
  39. Evangelização e imprensa nos séculos XVI e XVII na Índia [2]
  40. Evangelizzazione e terapia [2]
  41. Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo S. Mateus [2]
  42. Evangelho em triunfo
  43. Evangelho oral
  44. Evangelhos e actos dos apóstolos [4]
  45. Evangelização do sueste de Angola
  46. Evangelho da vida
  47. Evangelho dos domingos em Chimanhica [3]
  48. Evangelho duma avó
  49. Evangelhos dos domingos e das festas
  50. Evangelhos dos Domingos e festas em português-kimbundo com uma pequena explicação [2]

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