- Savoirs paysans et développement [2]
- Savonarola
- Savorgnan de Brazza, les freres Trechot et les Ngala du Congo-Brazzaville 1878-1960
- Savour the flavour of India [2]
- Savúmbi e o filho
- Saw marsjeer kop omhoog uit Angola
- Sawadogo à unidi-canal, Abidjan
- Sawants of Wadi, and the portuguese
- Sawants of wadi [4]
- Sawing settlers
- Sax moçambicano
- Saxofone e metáfora [2]
- Saxofone de espuma [2]
- Saxtticheo igorzo [5]
- Saxttichi tambddi mati
- Say it in chinese
- Sayo (Santo António do Caire)
- Sayo (Santo António do Zaire)
- Sayyid 'Abd Al-Rahmãn al-Mahdi a study of neo-mahdism in the Sudan, 1899-1956
- Sayyid Ahmad Khan
- Sazonalidade e periodicidades do internamento hospitalar em Portugal Continental
- Sazonalidade e periodicidades da mortalidade portuguesa
- Sazonalidade e periodicidade da mortalidade portuguesa [3]
- S.Banaboião anacoreta e martir
- Sbeitla et les Églises Africaines a deux absides
- SBL 2
- SBL2
- "SBL2"
- "SBL2" - Nova variedade de algodão seleccionada para cultivo nas condições ecológicas de Moçambique
- SBL2 nova variedade de algodão seleccionado para cultivo nas condições ecológicas de Moçambique
- Scales, feathers and fur
- Scaling up health service delivery
- Scaling up for impact [3]
- Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in resource limited settings [2]
- Scaling up the stock of health workers [3]
- Scaling-up microfinance for India's rural poor
- Scandinavia's encouter with África
- Scandinavians in Africa
- Scapa flow- túmulo da esquadra alemã
- Scapegoats and carriers
- Scarabaeidae, tribu, cetoniini
- Scarabaeidae rom the Kruger national - Park I
- Scarabaeidae, genre rhyssemus
- Scarabaeidae from the Kruger National Park [2]
- Scarabaeidae from the Kruger National Park - I
- Scarabaeidae, coprophaga
- Scarabaeidae from the kruger national park-I
- Scarface
- Scena cruel de sangue com gente das Obras Públicas [2]
- Scenas e phantasias de nossos tempo
- Scenas e phantasias portuguezas
- Scenas innocentes da comédia humana [2]
- Scenas africanas [3]
- Scenas da vida
- Scenas da India [7]
- Scene changes in Kashmir, India and Pakistan
- Scenes from the ramayan
- Scenes ins and around the capital [2]
- Scepticism about new Zimbabwe party
- Schatten theater
- Scheduled caste women
- Scheitern und überleben der portugiesischen expansion in südostasien
- Schéma théorique de déroulement d'une opération de développement rural
- Schemas grammaticaes ou quadros auxiliares do estudo da grammatica portugueza
- Schiavi, servi e dipendenti antropologia delle forme di dipendenza personale in Africa [2]
- Schiavi, servi e dipendenti
- Schism and renewal in Africa [3]
- Schistosomose por schistosoma intercalatum em São Tomé e Príncipe
- Schistosomiasis bilharziasis [2]
- Schistosomoses e helmintoses intestinais em São Tomé e Príncipe
- Schistosomose bovina em Moçambique [2]
- Schistosomíase Mansoni em Angola [2]
- Schistosomose em modelo murino [2]
- Schistomatosiasis in Egypt
- Schistosomiasis in Southern África in its relation to rainfall, artificial methods of control and the natural enemies of the moluscan hosto
- Schistosomose urinária e helmintoses intestinais [2]
- Schizophrenia [2]
- Schoelchérisme et assimilation dans la politique coloniate française
- Schoeni art gallery [2]
- Scholars and academic publishers
- Scholarly publishing in Africa opportunities & impediments [2]
- Scholar's rocks at the Musée Guimet
- Scholarly publishers working together
- Scholarly publishing in Nigeria
- Scholar's objects in the Ian and Susan Wilson collection [2]
- schönberg e a sua obra I
- School dictionary marathi-english
- School career in lower primary education in Guinea- Bissau
- School health education to prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases [2]
- School health program [3]
- School health administration [2]
- School attendance on the highest in África
- School drop-out and push-out factors in Brazil
- School management and systems of education
- School-attendance grows in Mozambique
- Schooled in struggle
- Schooling and education in Africa