- Customary strangers
- Customary land temure and rural development
- Customary law in Nigeria through the cases [2]
- Customary law of the Haya tribe
- Customs and beliefs of the Ixom bushman
- Customs and beliefs of the Ixam Bushman
- Customs and cultures
- Customs of Macao - inked of memories [2]
- Customs, fasts and festivals of India
- Custos das máquinas [2]
- Custumary commerce
- Custumes Maderenses
- Cutato
- Cutchidêra lâ di fora [2]
- Cutchidêra lá di fora = Cochideira lá de fora
- Cutelinho já tem USB
- Cutting down trees [2]
- Cutting edge [2]
- Cutting the weak link in the Apartheid chain
- Cuttombachi Sovostocai [3]
- CV opta pelo sigilo na operação Huambo
- CV Telecom vai lançar telefácil crédito
- CV Telecom
- C.Y. Chintamani
- Cyber diplomacy
- Cybernetics of cosmology [2]
- Cycadaceae
- Cycadaceae, podocarpaceae, arpresseceae.
- Cycadaceae, podocarpaceae, arpresseceae
- Cycadaceae; Podocarpaceae; Cupressaceae
- Cyclaupides
- Cycle de l'or et cycle du café au Brésil
- Cycle of dependency
- Cycles of change
- Cyclopaedia Yoga
- Cydonia Oblonga Mill. (contribuição para o estudo botânico, químico e farmacodinâmico da folha) [2]
- Cylindrical heat flow into a tunnel
- Cynometra L.
- Cynometra
- Cypéracée de la Guinée Portugaise
- Cypéracées da la Guinée Portugaise
- Cypéracées de la Guinée Portugaise [5]
- Cypéracées de la Guinée Portugeise
- Cypéracées de la Guiné
- Cypéracées de la Guiné Portugaise
- Cyprian Ekwesi's gurning grass
- Cyprus
- Cyrilovite, fosfosiderite, rockbridgeite, e outros minerais dos pegmatitos de Vermilhas, Vouzela, Portugal
- Cyro de Freitas-Valle
- Cyrus Vance na África do Sul
- Cysticercose nos porcos
- Cysticercosis [2]
- Cysticercus cellulose
- Cytokines et pathogenese du neuropaludisme murin [2]
- Cytology on Polygala from Angola
- Cytological and cytogenetic studies in the genus Albuca L, in west África
- Cytologie sanguine [2]
- Cytological screening in the control of cervical cancer
- Cytological technique [3]
- Cytotaxonomic studies in the Genur Uurgines stein in West África