- Overcoming stereotypes? Chinese Indonesian civil society groups in Pos-Shuarto Indonesia
- Overcoming apartheid's land legacy in Maputaland, Northern Natal
- Overcoming intolerance in South Africa
- Overland return from India, 1663
- Overpopulation and its effects in the Gombolola of Buhara, Kigezi
- Overseas arts and literature [2]
- Overseas
- Overseas economy
- Overseas Portugal and the ONU
- Overseas hidraulic exploitations
- Overseas arts and letters [2]
- Overseas impressions on a bushmarís holiday
- Overtly muslim, covertly boni competing calls of religious allegiance on the Kenyan Coast
- Overview of world elasmobranch fisheries
- Overview of the Moatize Coal Basin geology, Tete Province, Republic of Mozambique
- Overview report on the National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge following the Counsel of Ministers resolution for the preparation of a reorganisation of the current State Laboratories System [3]
- Overwiew of a christian village in West Bengal [2]
- Ovi- Kavyula
- Ovi-Kavyula [4]
- Ovidio Martins, poeta e militante cabo-verdiano
- Ovidio Martins
- Ovimbanda [2]
- Ovimbundu women and social change
- Ovimbundu women and social change, 1880-1926 [3]
- Ovinos de carne de Angola
- Ovnis em África [2]
- Ovo mbambi na ndimba = <o >antílope bâmbi e a lebre
- Ovo mbeu na ndyamba na ngeve = <o >sapo-concho, o elefente e o hipopótamo
- Ovonovelo = Ovumskein
- Ovos [3]
- Ovos anormais
- Ovos para consumo
- Óvulo infecundo
- Owerri
- Owerri Igbo laws and custom
- Ownership and exchange among the Kuikuru indians of Mato Grosso
- Ownership and partnership
- Ownership and requisitions
- Ownership, leadership and transformation
- Owning up to the past [2]
- Oxalidaceae [7]
- Oxalidaceas
- Oxfam (UK)
- Oxford
- Oxford pictorial atlas of Indian history with outlines and times charts
- Oxford textbook of medicine
- Oxford economic atlas of the world
- Oxford Hindi-English dictionary
- Oxford regional economic atlas [2]
- Oxford textbook of public health [3]
- Oxidation state and coordination of iron in red pre-soils
- Oxynopterinae et Tetralobinae de l'Angola (Coleoptera, Elateridae) [2]
- Oxynopterinae et tetralobinae de l'Angola
- Ozono
- Ozornik [4]
- O álbum de pinturas da selecção de Ho Ian Wai
- O´da guarda