- Áfrican studies [9]
- Áfrican studies and research
- Áfrican studies at the university of Manitoba
- Áfrican Tingidae
- African tingidae IV
- African tingidae V
- African tingidae VI
- African tingidae XXI
- African tingidae XXII
- Áfrican townsmen ? South Áfrican natives (urban areas) legislation trough the years
- African traditional religion and the Christian Faith
- African typanosomiasis
- African urban experiences in colonial Zimbabwe
- African voices
- African worlds [4]
- Áfrican writers share basic themes and concerns post-independence commitment, culture-conflict and quandary of the been-to cut across linguistic divisions
- Áfrican-european economic relations under the Lomé convetion commodities and Scheme of stabilization of export earnings
- Áfricanidade Portuguesa
- Africanistica
- Africanos penitenciados pela inquisição portuguesa Revista lusófona
- Áfrican Bibliography [2]
- African broadcast cultures
- African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape
- African cities competing claims on urban spaces [4]
- African civilizations [3]
- African countries and the agreement on agriculture [2]
- African democracies and african politics
- African development in a comparative perspective [2]
- African development report 2003
- African dictator the logic of tyranny and lessons from history
- African easter [3]
- African economies and the politics of permanent crisis [2]
- African engagements Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar
- African families in a global context [2]
- African foragers environment, technology, interactions
- African foreign policies [2]
- African gifts of the spirit
- African historiography
- African history on file TM
- Áfrican Housing
- African in social change
- African independent churches today [2]
- African influences on principense creoule
- African languages an introduction [2]
- African media cultures transdisciplinary perspectives transdisciplinaires
- Áfrican memoranda [2]
- African music for school
- African nacionalism in the twenthieth century
- Áfrican National Cngress 1997
- Áfrican patrimonial régimes in comparative
- African perspectives on colonialism [2]
- African political systems
- Áfrican politics and problems in development
- African poverty at the millennium causes, complexites, and challenges
- African re-genesis
- African religions [2]
- African renaissance roadmaps to the challenge of globalization
- Áfrican resistance to german and South Áfrican rule in Namíbia, 1904-1907 and 1922
- Áfrican retentions in montserrat
- African sanctus
- African socialism [2]
- African sociology towards a critical perspective the selected essays of Bernard Makhosezwe Magubane
- Áfrican solidarity
- Áfrican studies in the United States
- African Summer Conference
- Áfrican theology as a political praxis [2]
- African tingidae III
- African tingidae XVI
- Áfrican trade unious studies
- African traditional religion in Malawi the case of the Bimbi Cult [2]
- African underclass urbanisation, crime and colonial order in Dar es Salaam [2]
- African urban economies
- African urban spaces in historical perspective
- African video film today
- African words, African voices
- African words, african voices critical practices in oral history
- Áfricana bulletin
- Áfricana. the festive year
- Áfricanização de Lisboa
- Africanos são idóneos para decidir o seu destino
- Áfricans in Europe
- Africans on the land
- African alternatives
- Áfrican art at the Baltimore Museum of Art
- Áfrican art at the Indian University Art Museum
- African art music
- African ATC still critically deficient
- Áfrican books collective, the British Council and Áfrican book fairs
- Áfrican conversion
- African development and governance strategies in the 21st century
- African development report 2005
- African development report 2005 Africa in the world economyeconomic and social statistics on Africa [2]
- Áfrican divisional politics in the cape colony, 1884 to 1910
- Áfrican Eduacation and development since 1960
- African education
- African environment and development rhetoric, programs, realities [2]
- Áfrican fiscal systems as sources for demographie history
- African forests between nature and livelihood resource
- African gender studies [2]
- Áfrican growing pains