- Washington wants a serious economic dialogue with África
- Washington manterá uma «política de porta aberta» em relação à China
- Washington descontente com a França por causa da China
- Wassergewinnung in Heissen Ländern [2]
- Wasserhygiene [2]
- Waste management regulation in Brazil
- Waste minimization
- Waste treatment [2]
- Wasting away
- Watch on the Okavango
- Watching the wind conflict resolution during south Africa's transition to democracy [2]
- Water
- Water allocation strategies for the Kat Basin in South Africa
- Water and wastewater engineering [2]
- Water and sanitation in Sub-Suharan África
- Water and state in Europe and Asia
- Water and health in Europe
- Water and health in an overcrowded world [3]
- Water and primary health care for tibetan villagers
- Water and development
- Water for Swaziland
- Water feng shui for wealth
- Water in Southern África, a vital problem. A great human responsability
- Water masses and circulation of the Mozambique channel [2]
- Water privatised
- Water purification control [2]
- Water resouces development plan for the Imbuluzi river bassin
- Water sanitation and health electronic library
- Water supply and waste water disposal [2]
- Water safety in buildings [3]
- Water safety plan manual
- Water sanitation and health
- Water sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low cost settings
- Water supply in Niger Delta of Nigeria from public protests to scientific discourse
- Water safety planning [3]
- Water resources of Mozambique
- Water supply engineering [3]
- Water, soils, food, and rural development
- Waterbags in rock-art [3]
- Watercolours of Atlantic fishes of Joaquim José da Silva's expedition to Angola (1783-1808) [2]
- Waterfront
- Waterfront visions in city-metropolises
- Waterloo Bay
- Watson's Esplanade Hotel
- Wave energy and littoral transport
- Waverly Silver Prospect, Timor, N.S.W.
- Way of death merchant capitalism and the angolan slave trade 1730-1830 1830
- Way of death [4]
- Wayang beber
- Wayang Kulit de Kelantan
- Wayang golek
- Wayang Wong
- Wayangukur sukasman
- Wayfoong portuguese challenge shield
- Wayká
- Wayland as an archaeologist
- Ways of knowledge and experience
- Ways of death
- Ways of being seated in Goa
- Ways to community health education [2]
- Wazi
- W.C.
- We are the progressives
- We are the poors
- We are accused
- We are charged... the reasons of the "white fathers"
- We are the poors community struggles in post-apartheid South Africa [2]
- "We bear the world and we make it"
- "We can even feel are poor, but we have a strong and rich spirit"
- We fought for freedom
- We have a dream
- We indians [3]
- We invented the wheel
- We japanese
- We live prosperously
- We march for East-Timor
- We must forget the past´
- We must infiltrate the tsotsis [2]
- We need a House of our own
- We need a fresh start in southern África
- We refuse to be supervised
- We shall not fail [2]
- We symbolize toughness
- We the nation
- We think of them how Ghanaian migrants in Amsterdam assist relatives at home
- We thought we would be free..
- We want to restore dignity and confidence to the people
- We want to return to our land
- We won't budge an african exile in the world
- We, the people [3]
- Weakened state and social movement
- Wealth in people as wealth in knowledge
- Wealth, power, and poverty in the transition to market economies
- Weapons used by africans for homicidal attacks
- Weapons
- Wearing ideology state, schooling and self-presentation in Japan
- Weather and food [2]
- Weathering and climatic environment of a basic lava of the lebombo near Moamba, Province of Moçambique
- Weaver suckin and the Canton silk trade
- Weaving a vision