- Independent scholar conquers a military history battlefield-but who will follow?
- Independência de Moçambique
- Independência trouxe beleza e vigor
- Independente contra MPD
- Independente e democrático
- INDER [2]
- Indes merveilleuses [2]
- Indes portugaises
- Indescritível manifestação em Benguela ao Prof. Dr. Adriano Moreira - "o Ministro sem medo" -
- Index alfabetico, chronologico e remissivo das raes ordens expedidas, para o governo do estado da Índia...
- Index alfabetico, chronologico e remissivo das reaes ordens expedidas para o Governo do Estado da India, desde o anno de 1568 até o de 1811... [3]
- Index alfabébico, chronológico e remissivo
- Index cívico [2]
- Index de políticas de integração de migrantes
- Index alfabetico, chronologico e remissivo das reaes ordens expedidas para o Governo do Estado da Índia, desde o anno de 1568 até o de 1811, e de muitas partes dadas pelo mesmo governo à corte, comprehendidas em 192 livros, que existem na Secretaria do Estado da Índia
- Index das notas de vários tabeliaes de Lisboa
- Index des noms propres dans les annales principales de l'histoire des Song
- Index dos documentos da história geneológica da Casa Real
- Index das dissertações
- Índex das notas de vários tabeliães de Lisboa (séculos XVI-XVIII)
- Index das notas de vários tabelliães de Lisboa, entre os annos de 1580 e 1747
- Index dos títulos do cartório do mosteiro de S. Marcos
- Index generalis seu clavis totius seminae Sabellae
- Index of industrial production
- Index of japanese painters
- Index of sources of Portuguese history from The Archives of Maharashtra State, 1500-1900
- Index to the code of canon law
- Index seminum quae hortus botanicus laurentinensis pro mutua commutatione offert
- Index seminum
- Indexation and displacement
- Indexes and indexing
- India [132]
- India & Portugal [4]
- India & Portugal [6]
- India 1989
- India 1998
- India 2020 a vision for the new millennium
- India 1993
- India 2020
- India 2009
- India a mirror for its monsters and monstrosities
- India AD 1857, war of civilisations
- India and South Africa [2]
- India and Sri Lanka's civil war
- India and the west, the first encounters
- India before the english [3]
- India a cultural perspectiva
- India after Ghandi
- India and China
- India and Iran
- India and its faiths
- India and its problems [2]
- India and Portugal [2]
- India and South Africa a fresh start
- India and the neo-colonial order
- India as known to the ancient world
- India as known to the ancient world or India's intercourse in ancient times with her neighbours, Egypt, Western Asia, Greece, Rome, Central Asia, China, further India and Indonesia
- India and Military power projection
- India and south Asia
- India and the trade-and-labour-standards controversy [2]
- India and world civilization [3]
- India and Japan's growing synergy [2]
- India and the Indian Ocean
- India and the romantic imagination
- India antiga e moderna
- India as a secular state
- India as described by Megasthenes
- India at the dawn of history
- India before british rule and the basis for India's resurgence
- India book [2]
- India book of the year
- India book of the year, 2004
- India after Gandhi
- India and África [2]
- India and Europe in the new millennium
- India and Europe selected essays
- India and its missions
- India and the future of Asia
- India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800
- India and United Nations peace-keeping operations
- India culture through the ages
- India discovered [2]
- India distorted
- India after Gandhi the history of the world's largest democracy
- India after independence 1947-2000
- India after Nehru [3]
- India an introduction
- India and Germany
- India and the great divergence
- India and the WTO
- India as known to the ancient world or India' s intercourse in ancient times with her neighbours, Egypt, Western Asia, Greece, Rome, Central Asia, China, further India and Indonesia
- India at the death of Akbar
- India before independence
- India after independence [3]
- India and Brazil
- India and contemporary islam
- India and Europe [2]
- India and Italy
- India and Pakistan [2]
- India and Pakistan in the fourteenth century as described by arab travellers