- Land and labour in a deccan village
- Land and politics in Lesotho
- Land and agrarian transition in South Africa
- Land classification in Murrupula, Moçambique
- Land classification for irrigation in Angola
- Land classification in Murrupula [2]
- Land cover characterization and change detection using multispectral imagery for the Beira area, Mozambique
- Land degradation and farmers' acceptance and adoption of conservation technologies in the Digil watershed, Northwestern Highlands of Ethiopia
- Land degradation and sediment yields in rivers
- Land distribution in Mao's investigations
- Land fragmentation at nuganama, Kigezi
- Land improvement in India on engineering and agricultural principles [2]
- Land in Dãr Fur
- Land law reform in Mozambique
- Land law needs urgent reform
- Land leasing and land sale as an infrastructure-financing option
- Land mines in Angola
- Land of trinity
- Land of the sal tree
- Land policy in southern África during the nineth century
- Land restitution during apartheid's dying days
- Land reform in revolutionary Etiopian
- Land reclamation in Macau
- Land Reform in Zimbabze some legal aspects
- Land reform among the Mbeere of central Kenya
- Land reform in Zimbabwe [3]
- Land reform under structural adjustment in zimbabwe land use change in the mashonaland provinces [2]
- Land restitution and democratic citizenship in South Africa
- Land reform [12]
- Land reform in South África
- Land reform in Zimba bwe [2]
- Land reform under structural adjustment in Zimbabwe
- Land revenue policy of the Indian government
- Land reform in Zimbabwe constraints and prospects
- Land rights and the environment in the Indonesian Archipelago, 800-1950
- Land rights in China
- Land struggles and social differentiation in Southern Mozambique
- Land tax ala l-misaha and Muqasama
- Land tenure among the Kamba
- Land Tenure, Agriculture and Gender in Guinea-Bissau
- Land tenure and investment in Áfrican agriculture
- Land tenure and agrarian change in Kenya
- land tenure among the Nsaw of the British Cameraons
- Land tenure, democracy, and insurgency in Nepal
- Land tenre among the Akanba
- Land tenure, agriculture and gender in Guine-Bissau
- Land und leute zuvischen Zambesi und Limpopo [3]
- Land use
- Land use in Macau
- Land use, land holdings and land tenure at sahazaria pronvince, northern Nigeria
- Land values in Guinea Bissau
- Land wirtschaft Guinea-Bissau
- Land without thunder
- Land, freedom and fiction
- Land, labour and entrustment west african female farmers and the politics of difference [3]
- Land, labour and diet in northern Rhodesia
- Land, literacy and the state in sudanic Africa [3]
- Land, politics, and censorship
- Land-tenure in in Mycenaean Greece and the Hittite Empire [2]
- Land-Tenure reform in Kenya the limits of Law
- Lândana [2]
- Landbou en veeteelt in die Orange vrystaat
- Lande Tenure Centre/TIPS Project - Guinea-Bissau
- Landgften uit de eerte helft van de XVIII e eeuw op een manuscriptkaart uit het archief der V. O. C.
- Landi
- Landikezani ni vapswali vakwe
- Ländliche Leben
- Landlords and broker
- Landlords and strangers
- Landlords, tenants and colonial social engineers
- Landmarks of Goa`s liberation
- Landmarks in my time [2]
- landmarks of the cross
- Landmarks in indian history [2]
- Landmarks in world history
- Landmines in Mozambique
- Landmine Clearance and post-war reconstruction in Mozambique
- Landmines given more time to kill and main
- Landmines in África
- Lands and peoples [2]
- Landscape of conquest [2]
- Landscapes, fields and soils
- Landscape panels mounted on Yamato-e screens attributed to Kano Motonobu [2]
- Landscape development of Mandovi waterfront
- Landscape and calligraphy in China [2]
- Landslides in the Baucau and Viqueque Districts of East Timor
- Lanfranhudo
- Lang Shi [2]
- Langa pintor de Moçambique
- Langa, pintor de Moçambique
- Langage du pouvoir, pouvoir du langage
- Langage sans action, méthode sans quotidien le dilemme de l'ethnométhodologie
- Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch
- Langicórnios de Moçambique [3]
- Langicórnios de Moçmabique
- L'angio réticulomatose cutanée [2]
- L'Anglais en Afrique
- L'Angleterre moderne
- L'anglicanisme et la communion anglicane
- Lango folk-tales-an analysis