- Marketing Chinese women writers in the 1990's, or the politics of self-fashioning
- Marketing para escolas de ensino fundamental e médio
- Marketing the marvellous [2]
- Marketing development in South China
- Marketing e qualidade no ambiente de um hospital militar
- Marketing energético
- Marketizar sempre
- Markets and States in tropical Africa [2]
- Markets in África
- Markets and states in tropical Africa the political basis of agricultural policies [2]
- Markets in West Africa
- Markets smile on ANC's economic policy draft
- Markets within planning
- Markets and the environment
- Markets and good government
- Markets of well-being navigating health and healing in Africa [2]
- Markets of world agriculture in Shambles
- Markets and trade in west África
- Marks and landmarks
- Marlière, o civilizador
- Mar...Mar!
- Mármore e grafite em Ancuabe [2]
- Mármores e granitos de Moçâmedes
- Maroc [4]
- Maroc lusitanien, 1415-1769
- Marocco
- Marokko
- Marolas ou tsunamis?
- Marotholi traveling theatre
- Marquês de Pombal [3]
- Marquês de pombal, o drama do poder
- Marques du statut individuel chez les Somba
- Marques Pereira [2]
- Marques Pereira... Sião, Singapura e Bombaim
- Marques Mendes termina visita
- Marquês de Sá da Bandeira
- Marquesa de Alorna
- Marques Abreu e a sua obra
- Marquês de Sá da Bandeira
- Marquez de Pombal prelecção lida na sessão solemne commemorativa do seculo XX celebrada pelo Gremio Literario-musical de Nova- Goa na noite de 30 de Janeiro de 1901
- Marracune na gesta do século XIX
- Marracuense [2]
- Marracuene [9]
- Marrakech dans les palmes [2]
- Marramene [4]
- Marriage among christians
- Marriage and family in India
- Marriage in Áfrican censuses and inquiries
- Marriage and morals
- Marriage and divorce in Uganda
- Marriage migration in China and East China
- Marriage, kinship and power in Northern China
- Marriage and inequality in Chinese Society
- Marriage songs from Bhojpuri region
- Marriage, migration, and money [2]
- Marriage
- Marriage, tradition, and womanhood in Hausa society
- Marriage and divorce among the Asante
- Marriage customs of the law of Kenya
- Marriage and the family
- Marriage of near kin anong the Tswana
- Married love in christian life
- Married women's rights to land in China's traditional farming areas
- Marrocos no Brasil
- Marrocos [6]
- Marrocos em debate
- Marrocos visita Portugal
- Marrocos-Portugal
- Marrocos e três mestres da Ordem de Cristo [2]
- Marrying well
- Mars sanglant de 1961... Mars radiex de 1972 - l´Angola continue
- Marselha e o Oriente Português [2]
- Marshall sahlins et l'anthropologie de l'histoire, note critique
- Marsme touristique au Kebya en 1995
- Marta (2º prémio 2002)
- Marters and in portuguese África in the nineteenth century [2]
- Martiliny and the new intesrate sucession law of Ghana
- Martim Afonso de Mello captain-major of the portuguese fleet which sailed to China in 1522 being the portuguese text of two unpublished letters of the national archives of Portugal
- Martim Afonso de Sousa e a sua Linhagem [4]
- Martim Afonso de Sousa
- Martim Soares Moreno [5]
- Martim de Ginzo, jogral português
- Martin Behaim, his life and his globe
- Martin Fernandez de Navarrete clears the deck
- Martin Behaim, navigator and cosmographer
- Martin heidegger in the perspective of the twentieth century
- Martinho de Mendonça e a sua obra pedagógica [2]
- Martinho de Melo alerta sobre a crise de valores
- Martino Martini s.j. protagonista della missione dei gesuiti in Cina nel XVII secolo
- Martino Martini's grammatica sinica
- Martins Gomes
- Martins Pena folhetinista, uma faceta midiática transcultural
- Martins de Lima [3]
- Martir de Golgota
- Martir de la fidelidad conyugal
- Mártires que passaram por Macau [2]
- Mártires do Guiúa
- Mártires de Massangano [5]
- Mártires que passam por Macau
- Martires da pátria