- The cultural revolution at the grass roots
- The cultural triangle of Sri Lanka
- The culture in Macau
- The culture of Israel
- The cult of Rhodes remembering an imperialist in Africa
- The cult of Teyyam and hero worship in Kerala
- The cult of Vinayaka
- The cultural boycott
- The cultural history of Goa from 10000 BC-1352 AD [2]
- The culture of politics in modern Kenya
- The culture of South-East Asia
- The cultural heritage of India [2]
- The cultural history of Goa from 10,000 BC- 1352 AD
- The cultural history of India
- The cultural politics of curricular reform in China
- The cultural topograph of a Bantu borderland
- The culture and civilisation of ancient India in historical outline
- The culicine mosquitoes of the indomalayan area [2]
- The cult of Rhodes
- The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics
- The cultivation of groundnuts in West África
- The cultivation of wheat in Moçambique
- The cultural history of Goa from 10000 B.C. - 1352 A.D.
- The cultural politics of female sexuality in South Africa
- The culicoides of the Eastern United States diptera heleidae [2]
- The cult of Jagannatha
- The cultivation of parasites in vitro [3]
- The cultural basis of the crisis of parlimentary democracy in africa
- The cultural dimension of development
- The cultural history of Goa from 10 000 B.C. - 1352 A.D.
- The cultural revolution
- The culture of dependency
- The culture of Guanxi in a North China Village
- The culture of Kenya coast in the later middle ages
- The Cunene region [3]
- The Cunené development Plant
- The Cunene power development scheme
- The Cunene development plan [2]
- The current security situation across the Taiwan and its prospects
- The customs union agreement between Botswana, Lesotho, Swazilandia and the republic of South África
- The curious case of goan orientalism
- The customary oath in the cold coast
- The customary laws of succession in Central Africa [8]
- The customary laws of sucessions in central Africa
- The current security situation across the Taiwan strait and its prospects
- The current situation in Portuguese Guinea
- The current situation on mainland China
- The current status of erytromycin, kanamycin, novobiocin, oleandomycin, ristocetin and vancomycin, with particular reference to their use in staphylococcal disease
- The curious story of the piltdown fragments
- The current situation in Zambia
- The curse of war in Angola and Mozambique
- the current news magazine
- The customary laws of sucession in central África
- The Dac guidelines
- The dac journal Sweden, Switzerland
- The DAC journal development co-operation [2]
- The dac journal 2000
- The dahomean middleman system, 1727-1818
- The Daima sequence and the prehistoric chronology of the Lake Chad region of Nigeria
- The Dalai Lama a policy of kindness
- The Damara system in Angola
- The Damara system in Angola (some preliminary observations on the existence of two geosyncline facies) = sobre a existência em Angola de duas fácies geossinclinais do sistema Damara (algumas observações preliminares)
- The daily life of an african peasant farmer in Kenya [3]
- The Dalai Lama of Tibet
- The Dalai Lama
- The damara system in Angola 8some preliminary observations on the existence os twogeosyncline facies) = sobre a existência em Angola de duas fácies geossinclinas do sistema damara (algumas observações preliminares)
- The daily practice of the Hindus
- The Dalai Lama institution [2]
- The damaran episode of tectono-thermal activity in South West Africa, and its regional significance in Southern Africa
- The daily life of a district commissioner´s clerk [2]
- The damara system in Angola (some preliminary observations on the existence of two geosyncline facies)=sobre a existência em Angolade duas fócies geossinclinais do sistema Damera (algumas observações preliminares)
- The daily gospel
- The daily Kansan
- The dancing demons of Mongolia
- The Dancing Gods of Kiangan [2]
- The dancing phenmenon
- The dance societies of the wasukuma, as seen in the maswa district
- The danish NGO impact study
- The dance in India
- The dance of Shiva [2]
- The dancer on the horse
- The dancers
- The dangers of dissent [2]
- The date and significance of the Imbangala invasion of Angola
- The date of the Leng-chia shih-tzu chih
- The dating of the aro chiefdon
- The dating of the australopithecinal
- The Dau's operation liberation
- The Dau's operation liberation status report
- The dark webs perspectives on colonialism in Africa [2]
- The dating of chiedom
- The date of tomb 5 at Yinxu, Anyang
- The Darfur conflict geography or institutions? [3]
- The Dark-Brown Stain
- The Dassie and the Hunter [2]
- The date of the Ingombe Ilede burials
- The daughters
- The daughters of fire
- The David vases revisited
- The dark webs