- Briozoários do carbonífero do Estado do Pará, Brasil
- Brisa dos tempos idos [2]
- Brisas do Mandovi [6]
- Brisas do Mandov
- Brisas de espanha (crónicas)
- Brisas de Espanha
- Brisas esparsas
- Brise
- Bristish imperialism and indian nationalism
- Bristol, Africa and the eighteenth-century slave trade to America
- Bristsh foreign politicy in the age of the American revolution
- Britain and Barbary, 1589-1689
- Britain and Ceylon
- Britain in tropical Africa, 1880-1960
- Britain, France, and the new african states
- Britain and decolonisation
- Britain and Barbary
- Britain and Ghanás lesnomy
- Britain and west Africa [3]
- Britain in Africa [4]
- Britain and South Africa
- Britain's betrayal in India
- Britain's year in África [9]
- Britain [2]
- Britain and India [2]
- Britain in Central África in the sixties
- Britain and África in 1980
- Britain's imperial strategy and the malyan labour movement 1945-50
- Britain and South África and the United Nations
- Britain and the Áfrican background to the ultimatum of 1890
- Britain year in África
- Britain, the Sahara, and the western Sudan 1788-1861
- Britai's year in África
- Britânica
- Brites e Joane vão de aventura em S. Tomé
- British business association of Macao
- British Central Africa [2]
- British financial interests in Angola, Guiné, Mozambique and Portugal [4]
- British investors set up ventures with local partners
- British Malaya
- British medical bulletin [7]
- British miliary tem extends mission
- British policy in India 1858-1905
- British aid
- British aid to small enterprise (Base) programme in Kenya components
- British indians in the Transvaal
- British rule and indigenous organization in Nigéria
- British trade and expansion in southeast asia
- British christians, indian nationalists and the raj
- British dominion in India and after
- British mercenaries and counter-insurgency
- British policy towards the indian states
- British administration and the decline of the patronage-clientage system in northwestern Nigeria, 1990-1934
- British aid to Southern África
- British colonial institutions and economic development in India
- British colonial policy and the south african republics 1848-1872
- British contributions to indian studies
- British factory japanese factory the origins of national diversity in industrial relations [2]
- British policy towards West Africa
- British rule in India [2]
- British trade mission will be visiting Maputo from 16-21 March 1997
- British travel writing from China in the nineteenth century
- British Boundary Adjustments and the Usuthu-Mandlakazi conflict in Zululand, 1879-1904
- British government in India
- British immigration to South África 1946-1970
- British military trainning assistance in Southern Áfrican
- British policy in changing Africa
- British protestant missions
- British social life in India
- British social life in India, 1608-1937
- British support for mapping Mozambique
- British foreign policy and indian affairs
- British imperialism
- British power in the Punjab
- British administration in the Central Nyanza district of Kenya
- British Áfrican studies since the second World War
- British India 1772-1947
- British policy in India (1858-1905)
- Brito
- Brito Camacho [4]
- Brito Camacho tropical
- Brito Capelo e o tratado de Simulambuco
- Britrage zur kenntnis der termiten Angolas, hauptsachlich aut grund der sammalungen und Beobachtungen von A. de Barros
- Britsh colonial wars in west África
- Britto book of plants [2]
- Britto Retro
- Britto's Retro
- Britto´s Retro
- Briu di badiu [2]
- Brizola e o trabalhismo
- Broad spectrum antibiotics
- Broadening the concept of security in East and Southeast Asia
- Broadening the agenda
- Broadening the horizons of Chinese history [2]
- Broca do cajueiro [2]
- Brocas do colmo
- Brocas do milho no Planalto Central de Angola
- Brocas do tronco do café [2]
- Brocated beams and shuttle columns [2]
- Brochura parques nacionais de Angola = National parks of Angola brochure