- Burladero [2]
- «Burlão à solta»
- Burle Marx
- Burma and Asean [2]
- Burma and US sanctions
- Burma in 2002
- Burma in 1999
- Burma Myanmar in 2001
- Burma on the Eve of the modern era [2]
- Burma railways
- Burma vs. Myanmar [2]
- Burma, a tribute
- Burma's insatiable state [2]
- Burmese Art at the Denver Art Museum
- Burmese dance and theatre
- Burmese Indians in contemporary Burma [2]
- Burmese silver from the colonial period [2]
- Burmese painting river of unknowns [2]
- Burnay
- Burning issues in rural economics
- Burning the wheat stocks
- Buro zapp zur Cabora-Bassa-Studie
- Burocracia e poder o caso da administração pesqueira moçambicana
- Burocracia pública e classes dirigentes no Brasil
- Burocracia e Mato
- Burocracia
- Burocracia e ritualismo
- Burprestides d'Angola (conf
- Burro careca
- Burseraceae Brasiliae novae
- Burseraceas [3]
- Burundi, la fracture identitaire
- Burundi's president killed in coup
- Burundian MPS visit Mozambique
- Burundi at close range
- Burundi entre la guerre i la pau
- Burundians accused of murder
- Burundi evaluation du secteur de transport
- Burundi, la fracture identitaire logiques de violence et certitudes ethniques [2]
- Burundi [16]
- Buruntuma
- Burying the past making peace and doing justice after civil conflict
- Burying the past
- Burying Sm
- Burzoy's, Burzuyah's voyage to India [2]
- Busca [3]
- Busca da univocidade para além do símbolo
- Buscando o rumo
- Buscando o Cristo crucificado um pecador com verdadeiro arrependimento
- Buscando a Cristo
- Buscar a Felicidades
- Buscar lá fora o pão que cá dentro falta
- Buscar a felicidade [2]
- Busco desvairada um ódio
- Busco o teu corpo
- Buseira
- Bush
- Bush administration policy toward Beijing and Taipei
- Bush and Botha
- Bushman paintings in the citrusdal area and in the cold Bokkeveld
- Bushman heads and headdresses in southern Rhodesia
- Bushman and Hottentot statures
- Bushmen and diamonds
- Bushmen fraternity
- Bushment and other non-bantu peoples of Angola
- Bushmen and diamonds un civil society in botswana
- Bushmen and other non-Bantu peoples of Angola [3]
- Bushu-Bantu hybrids and central african pygmies
- Business and bureaucracy in a Chinese city an ethnography of private business households in contemporary China
- Business environment, clustering, and industry location
- Business networks in Asia promises, doubts, and perspectives
- Business briefs [3]
- Business development in Asia and Africa
- Business suplement
- Business bears down
- Business history in Latin America
- Business law in Africa
- Business model design based on value chain
- Business as usual?
- Business and the state in southern Africa the politics of economic reform
- Business Center Cabo Verde
- Business community pays attention to and actively participates in the joint development of Guangdong and Macao
- Business confidence on the decline
- Business India
- Business and bureaucracy in a Chinese city
- Business cycles and economic growth
- Business dynamism across the Taiwan strait
- Business economics
- Business leadership and culture national management styles in the global economy [2]
- Business and politics in Kenya in the 1990s [5]
- Business leadership and culture
- Business development in Asia and Africa the role of government agencies [2]
- Business law [2]
- Business opportunities [3]
- Business process management
- Business supplement [2]
- Buska
- Bussaco
- Bússola do dialecto cantonense
- Busto de A. Jacinto apresentado na UEA