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  1. Urge reatar a tradição nas grandes festas anuais da Paróquia da Muxima
  2. Urge solucionar em Luso o problema da habitação com novas zonas residenciais
  3. Urgencias vasculares dos membros
  4. Urgência em cirurgia de guerra
  5. Urgência [4]
  6. Urgência de viver, urgência de ser
  7. Urgência de viver urgência de ser
  8. Urgências no ambulatório em idade pediátrica [3]
  9. Urgent problems of african economic development
  10. Urgent action and others documents about human rights in Angola
  11. Urgent action and others documents about human rights in Guinea-Bissau
  12. Urgente necessidade de uma cruzada para a libertação do Summo Ponticife
  13. Urgente [2]
  14. Urhobo traditional medicine
  15. Urí
  16. Uri Summer . seminar in Cape Verde
  17. Uriel da Costa
  18. Uriel Tavares
  19. Uriel Tavares, um dos "humilhados e luminosos"
  20. Urine and the urinary sediment [2]
  21. Urizela e o pano de vestir
  22. Urnas funerárias do rio Cururú, Alto Tapajós
  23. Urso branco
  24. URSS [3]
  25. U.R.S.S.
  26. URSS - uma civilização asiática
  27. URSS condecora Magaia
  28. URSS controla armada angolana
  29. URSS e África
  30. URSS irritada com S. Tomé faz ameaças
  31. URSS quer fornecer aviões com créditos orientais
  32. URSS recusa diamantes angolanos
  33. URSS-África
  34. Urticaceas
  35. Urticaceae [2]
  36. Urticária palúdica
  37. Urtina joint approach to media-building [2]
  38. Urubu
  39. Uruguay-Brasil y sus medallas
  40. Urvasi
  41. Urzeit und Geschichte Afrikas
  42. Urzela e o pano de vestir [3]
  43. Urzes
  44. US - Mozambique relations
  45. US arms sales to Taiwan
  46. U.S. corporations in Angola and Mozambique
  47. U.S. counter terrorism efforts in Africa [2]
  48. US 'dual track' policy
  49. Us foreign policy and the angolan peace [2]
  50. US foreign policy and the Horn of Africa [3]
  1. U.S. foreign policy toward communist China in the 1970's
  2. US foreign policy. Lessons from the Angola conflict
  3. US foreign policy
  4. US increase ist support
  5. U.S. policy
  6. US policy in Southeast Asia [2]
  7. US policy towards Angola since 1975
  8. U.S policy
  9. US policy and energy security in South Asia [2]
  10. US Policy toward North Korea in strategic context
  11. U.S. policy in Southern África
  12. US support for rural development
  13. US support to the FADM
  14. US Taiwan policy of strategic ambiguity
  15. U.S. trade policy and developing countries in the 1980 s
  16. US$ 1,0 billion for UN or for mozambicans ?
  17. US$ 1.6 m for humanitarian projects
  18. US$ 6.1 for road rehabilitation
  19. US$11.7 million for Mozambquiue's peace process
  20. US$13 million for mozambican commercial network
  21. US$14 million for the health sector
  22. US$20 million for Niassa
  23. US$27 million for Mozambique
  24. US$42 million for five year plan
  25. US$5 million project
  26. US$5 million for reintegration
  27. US$58 million for police training
  28. US$750,000 for AR
  29. US$80,000 for sports
  30. US-China relations [2]
  31. US-China relations in the era of globalization and terror
  32. US-North Korean relations under the Bush Administration
  33. US-Russian Relations and the North Korean crisis
  34. USA in favour of reforms in Mozambique
  35. USA und Portugal
  36. Usage rationnel des médicaments dans le traitement des diarrhées aiguës de l'enfant [2]
  37. Usages alimentaires dans la region de Khombole
  38. Usages and customs of Daman and Diu
  39. USAID/Bissau Participant Traing Report
  40. USAID/BISSAU FY-96 Action Plan (AP)
  41. USAID/Bissau Fy 1996-1999
  42. USAID/GUINÉ-BISSAU Training Strategy
  43. Usangi hospital and archeological sites in the noeth pane montains, north - easter Tanzania
  44. Use a passagem subterrânea
  45. Use and display
  46. Use of a material formed fy ferric oxides in the pavement of a road
  47. Use of natural products to enhance activity of antifungal drugs through chemosensitization of the pathogenic drugs
  48. Use of computers in biology and medicine [2]
  49. Use of aspergillees niger for evolution of doil potassium by isotope dilution
  50. Use of american arms in África denied

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