- Urge reatar a tradição nas grandes festas anuais da Paróquia da Muxima
- Urge solucionar em Luso o problema da habitação com novas zonas residenciais
- Urgencias vasculares dos membros
- Urgência em cirurgia de guerra
- Urgência [4]
- Urgência de viver, urgência de ser
- Urgência de viver urgência de ser
- Urgências no ambulatório em idade pediátrica [3]
- Urgent problems of african economic development
- Urgent action and others documents about human rights in Angola
- Urgent action and others documents about human rights in Guinea-Bissau
- Urgente necessidade de uma cruzada para a libertação do Summo Ponticife
- Urgente [2]
- Urhobo traditional medicine
- Urí
- Uri Summer . seminar in Cape Verde
- Uriel da Costa
- Uriel Tavares
- Uriel Tavares, um dos "humilhados e luminosos"
- Urine and the urinary sediment [2]
- Urizela e o pano de vestir
- Urnas funerárias do rio Cururú, Alto Tapajós
- Urso branco
- URSS [3]
- U.R.S.S.
- URSS - uma civilização asiática
- URSS condecora Magaia
- URSS controla armada angolana
- URSS e África
- URSS irritada com S. Tomé faz ameaças
- URSS quer fornecer aviões com créditos orientais
- URSS recusa diamantes angolanos
- URSS-África
- Urticaceas
- Urticaceae [2]
- Urticária palúdica
- Urtina joint approach to media-building [2]
- Urubu
- Uruguay-Brasil y sus medallas
- Urvasi
- Urzeit und Geschichte Afrikas
- Urzela e o pano de vestir [3]
- Urzes
- US - Mozambique relations
- US arms sales to Taiwan
- U.S. corporations in Angola and Mozambique
- U.S. counter terrorism efforts in Africa [2]
- US 'dual track' policy
- Us foreign policy and the angolan peace [2]
- US foreign policy and the Horn of Africa [3]
- U.S. foreign policy toward communist China in the 1970's
- US foreign policy. Lessons from the Angola conflict
- US foreign policy
- US increase ist support
- U.S. policy
- US policy in Southeast Asia [2]
- US policy towards Angola since 1975
- U.S policy
- US policy and energy security in South Asia [2]
- US Policy toward North Korea in strategic context
- U.S. policy in Southern África
- US support for rural development
- US support to the FADM
- US Taiwan policy of strategic ambiguity
- U.S. trade policy and developing countries in the 1980 s
- US$ 1,0 billion for UN or for mozambicans ?
- US$ 1.6 m for humanitarian projects
- US$ 6.1 for road rehabilitation
- US$11.7 million for Mozambquiue's peace process
- US$13 million for mozambican commercial network
- US$14 million for the health sector
- US$20 million for Niassa
- US$27 million for Mozambique
- US$42 million for five year plan
- US$5 million project
- US$5 million for reintegration
- US$58 million for police training
- US$750,000 for AR
- US$80,000 for sports
- US-China relations [2]
- US-China relations in the era of globalization and terror
- US-North Korean relations under the Bush Administration
- US-Russian Relations and the North Korean crisis
- USA in favour of reforms in Mozambique
- USA und Portugal
- Usage rationnel des médicaments dans le traitement des diarrhées aiguës de l'enfant [2]
- Usages alimentaires dans la region de Khombole
- Usages and customs of Daman and Diu
- USAID/Bissau Participant Traing Report
- USAID/BISSAU FY-96 Action Plan (AP)
- USAID/Bissau Fy 1996-1999
- USAID/GUINÉ-BISSAU Training Strategy
- Usangi hospital and archeological sites in the noeth pane montains, north - easter Tanzania
- Use a passagem subterrânea
- Use and display
- Use of a material formed fy ferric oxides in the pavement of a road
- Use of natural products to enhance activity of antifungal drugs through chemosensitization of the pathogenic drugs
- Use of computers in biology and medicine [2]
- Use of aspergillees niger for evolution of doil potassium by isotope dilution
- Use of american arms in África denied