- The foreign trade of China
- The forgotten level
- The formation of centres of profit, power and protection [2]
- The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid
- The foundation of self governamention the african colonies
- The foundation on buddhist meditation
- The fourth centenary of the jesuits at Macao...
- The foreign relations Yearbook 2009 Republic of China
- The formation of the Japanese collections in the Peabody Essex Museum [2]
- The fort at Mombasa
- The fortress of Cannanore and military architecture during the reign of king Manuel I
- The foundations of the south african cheap labour system
- The forgotten portuguese
- The formation of chinese maritime networks to Southern Asia, 1200-1450 [2]
- The former and land reform
- The Fort Jameson Ngoni
- The foundation of Dutch power in Ceylon
- The foundation of Kingdom of Kasanje
- The foundations of ethnicity and some of its current ramifications in Namibia
- The forced labor "system" in Angola, 1903-1947
- The formation of artistic identities in the context of intercultural dialogue between China and the world
- The formation os scrapie associated prion protein in vitro [2]
- The fortress of Quelang (Jilong, Taiwan)
- The fossil apes of Lake Victoria
- The founders
- The forbidden city [3]
- The Ford collection and the interpretation of tantric art
- The foreign trade policy of the chinese communist regime
- The forgotten history of America
- The forgotten prince [2]
- The formation of the collection of the National Palace Museum [2]
- The fouding of Mbale
- The foundations of new India [2]
- The fourteen points and the treaty of Versailles
- The fourth Constitution of communist China
- The Foraminifera of the south indian cretaceous-eocene
- The foreign policy of Castlereagh
- The forest of Inhaminga
- The forger's tale
- The form and meaning of Otjiherero praises [2]
- The formation and evolution of the barrier islands of Inhaca and Bazaruto, Mozambique
- The formation of konkani [3]
- The Fossil flora of the Kareoo of the Zambezi Basin and the Northern territory
- The fourth horseman of the apocalypse
- The forgotten frontier colonist and khoisan on the Cape's northern frontier in the 18th century
- The formation of dominant classes in Zambia
- The formation of government general of french west África
- The fortunate slave
- The fossil brain
- The four gospels as historical records
- The FPLN and Áfrican Nationalism
- The fractured affair of Timorese identities
- The Francis and Kay Reif collections of amber carvings of the Qing dynasty at the art gallery of greater Victoria
- The fragile freedom
- The frankish breech-loaders in China
- The Franz Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles [2]
- The fragility of democracy in West-Central África
- The Francophone family in África
- The freer Gallery of Art [2]
- The french economy in nineteenth century
- The french patois of the Seychelles
- The Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. [2]
- The Frelimo constitution
- The french overseas empire
- The French slave trade in east África
- The freemen of Meru
- The FRELIMO program
- The French at Kilwa Island [2]
- The frightened land
- The friars minor or franciscans in India [2]
- The frontier in history
- The frontier policy of the Delhi Sultans [3]
- The frontier and religion
- The fulani
- The Fulani empire of Sokoto
- The Fulbright Brainstorms on Bioethics [2]
- The Fullbright Brainstorms on Bioethics [3]
- The fundamental rights of man
- The FUNIPAMO constitution and rules
- The function of education for liberation
- The fundamental unity of India [2]
- The funeral
- The funji sultanate of sennar, c. 1500-1821
- The functions of the Ekpo society of the Thibio of Nigeria
- The function of anti-americanism in África political development
- The fund [3]
- The fungi [4]
- The fundamental mystery of man
- The functions of Procurator in the Society of Jesus [2]
- The future of África [3]
- The future of Bombay
- The future of customary law in Africa
- The future of ritual [2]
- The future quality of the population
- The future of economic cooperation schemes in Africa, with special reference to ECOWAS
- The future structure of regional trade integration and development cooperation in Southern África
- The future of India [3]
- The future of mainland China as viewed from its industry
- The future of the imperial past
- The furniture of Play