- Situacionalidade e texto poético
- Situacion y perspectivas de la economia China
- Situações respiratórias de urgência na infância [2]
- Situações sinópticas relacionadas com a ocorrência de depressões com origem na região a sul de Moçambique
- Situações
- Situações agudas na asma e cardiopatias
- Situating "SS-State" in a social historical context
- Situating globality african agency in the appropriation of global culture
- Situation actuelle de l'agriculture de la République du Cap Vert
- Situation et objectif du plan quinquenal ivorien, 1976-1980
- Situation géral du Ruanda-Urundi
- Situation actuelle de l'organisation portugaise de la défense phytosanitaire des produits emmagasinés (Métropole et territoires d'Outre-Mer)
- Situations of fragility challenges for an european response strategy desafios a uma estratégia de resposta europeia [2]
- Situations of fragility
- Situating the SS-State in a social-historical context
- Situation actuelle de l'organisation portugaise de la défense phytosanitaire des produits emmagasinés
- Situation et perspectives du secteur de la transformation du bois au Cap-Vert
- Situating indo-portuguese trade history [2]
- Situation actuelle de l'organisation portugaise de la défense phytosanitaire des produits emmagarinés (métropole et territoires d'outre-mer
- Situation actuelle de l'organisation portugaise de la defense phytossanitaire des produits e ennuafasinés (metropole et territoires d'Outre Mer
- Situation des droits de l'homme en Angola
- Situations politique dans les états africains et Malgache
- Situazione [6]
- Siva
- Siva in dance, myth and iconographe
- Siva in dance, myth and iconography
- Siva-Linga with Ganas, a new find from Mathura
- Sivaji Maharaja, vencedor de Abdul Khan
- Sivano Rodrigues vitima de acidente de viação
- Sivayi suku!
- Sivicultura [3]
- Six decades of collecting art [2]
- Six principal ragas
- Six years of a traveller's life in western Africa
- Sixième Conférence Interafricaine du Travail
- Sixteenth century India as a field of research from portuguese archives
- Sixth annual report = sixième rapport annuel
- Sixth annual report of the Goan Death Benefit Association, limited, for the year 1893
- Sixth anual symoposium on antibiotics
- Sixth annual report
- Sixth annual symposium on antibiotics
- Sixth five year plan
- Sixth international congresses on tropical medicine and malaria [7]
- Sixth Inter-African Labour Conference
- Sixth report on the world health situation [6]
- Sixty Upanishads of the Veda
- Sixty years of the People's Republic [2]
- Sixty Years of writing on art & crafts in India
- Sixty years of Indian finance
- Sixty years of WHO in Europe [2]
- Sixty-three years of historical research
- Siya
- Siyah Qalam [2]
- Siyong Guowen Daodu Xinbian [2]
- Sizas na Índia
- Size relationships in the urban system of Malawi
- Siñora na rema, katibu na jungu [2]
- S.Jorge da Praia
- Skedelmorlogie en Kinese van typhlops delalandii
- Skeletal remains from the Gamtoos Valley
- Skeletal remains from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia
- Sketch of the city of Goa [4]
- Sketches from memory
- Sketches of China
- Sketches of high-density life [3]
- Sketches of Orissa
- Sketches of rulers of India
- Skills development in very small and micro enterprises [2]
- Skin [4]
- Skin bacteria and their role in infection [2]
- Skin manifestations of international disorders [2]
- Skin sensitization in chemical risk assessment
- Skin-to-skin contact as a method of body warmth for infants of low birth weight
- Skinheads
- Skinning the skunk facing zimbabwean futures [2]
- Sky observation
- Slane departures from África
- Slaughter me
- Slave export from west and central África, 1700-1810
- Slave exports from west and west-central África, 1700-1810
- Slave networks and their expansion through Macao to europe and america [2]
- Slave Wives, free sisters [2]
- Slave woman and the family in nineteenth-century Cape Town
- Slave-raiders and middlemen, monopolists and free-traders
- Slavery and the birth of an african city
- Slavery, commerce and production in the Sokoto caliphate of west Africa [2]
- Slavery and beyond the making of men and chikunda ethnic identities in the unstable world of South-Central Africa, 1750-1920 [2]
- Slavery and fanompuana
- Slavery and other forms of unfree labour
- Slavery in the development of the Americas
- Slavery, colonialism, and connoisseurship gender and eighteenth-century literacy transnationalism
- Slavery, emacipation and labour migration in west África
- Slavery and ideology
- Slavery and its aftermath
- Slavery as practised by the chinese
- Slavery in Africa
- Slavery in Dutch South Africa
- Slavery in portuguese Africa
- Slavery and amelioration in the Graaff-Reinet District, 1823-1830
- Slavery and muslim society in Africa