- Health care in the new South África
- Health education foundations for the future [3]
- Health in all policies [8]
- Health in Europe 1997 [3]
- Health international
- Health is for people [3]
- Health Officials guide to air pollution control [2]
- Health planning in Pakistan
- Health promotion and chronic illness [2]
- Health systems in the world [3]
- Health systems in transition [3]
- Health tips for all
- Health and social justice [3]
- Health behaviors of male college students over age 24 in Iowa (U.S.A.) and Macau
- Health care reform in Hong Kong
- Health cast [2]
- Health education in the control of schistosomiasis [2]
- Health in Portugal [2]
- Health in Portugal 2007
- Health in tropical Africa during the colonial period
- Health inequalities [12]
- Health policies on target [3]
- Health promotion
- Health promotion and community action for health in developing countries
- Health system of the future
- Health systems financing
- Health systems governance in Europe [2]
- Health systems performance assessment [3]
- Health United States [2]
- Health and migration [3]
- Health and welfare [3]
- Health by the people [3]
- Health care for remote areas [2]
- Health care for the community [2]
- Health cast 2020
- Health consequences of war and health relief
- Health education in the elementary school
- Health financing revisited
- Health futures [2]
- Health in alcohol policies
- Health in Europe [2]
- Health instruction yearbook [2]
- Health of workers in chromate producing industry [2]
- Health policy and the NHS towards [3]
- Health research with developing countries [5]
- Health services administration [2]
- Health and Coconuts
- Health and human relations [2]
- Health and hygiene in colonial Goa [2]
- Health and structural adjustment in rural and urban Zimbabwe
- Health care systems in transition
- Health centres [3]
- Health human resources demand and management strategies [3]
- Health impact of different energy sources [2]
- Health interview surveys [2]
- Health manpower planning [2]
- Health promotion research [2]
- Health sessions in housing projects [2]
- Health and health care in Portugal [3]
- Health and migration in the European Union [3]
- Health care the EU
- Health determinants in Porto adolescents [3]
- Health in the world of work
- Health services in Europe [4]
- Health under attack [3]
- Health and health care delivery in Mozambique
- Health and the millennium development goals
- Health care reform [3]
- Health education in developing countries [2]
- Health goals and health indicators [2]
- Health in Finland [3]
- Health micro-insurance schemes
- Health of ferrous foundrymen in illinois [2]
- Health protection in Rumanian People's Republic [2]
- Health services in Angola
- Health systems confront poverty
- Health targets in Europe [4]
- Health United States 1991
- Health, wealth, and family in rural Ethiopia
- Health, wealth, and family in rural Ethiopia Kossoye, North Gondar region, 1963-2007
- Health, nutrition, & population
- Health, power and politics in Windhoek, Namibia, 1915-1945
- Health, state, and society in Kenya
- Healthful living [4]
- Healthy villages
- Healthy menus of Thai vegetables [2]
- Healthy nutrition [2]
- Hear our voices
- Hear our voices race, gender and the status of black south african women in the academy
- Hearings on the East Timor question
- Hearing on the East Timor question [2]
- Heart disease in pregnancy
- Heart beat [4]
- Heart is Karnataka
- Heart of darkness with the Congo diary
- Heart of Whiteness
- Heart-Water [2]
- Heartbreak passage [4]
- Heartcare
- Hearthstones [2]