- The law of commoners and kings
- The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa [2]
- The law of transfer in British India
- The law of provident funds
- The law of commoners and kings narratives of a rural Transkei magistrate
- The law and practice of income tax
- The laws of Manu [2]
- The laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi
- The law and the lawyers [2]
- The laws of Indo-European
- The law in South África
- The law relating with mental treatment and the health service [2]
- The lbadan school and the handling of federal finance in Nigerria
- The LDL receptor gene [3]
- The leading mining region of Mozambique (District of Zambezia) [2]
- The leading mining region of Mozambique
- The leadership challenge in Africa
- The least developed countries
- The leading raining region of Mozambique
- The leadership challenge in Africa Cameroon under Paul Biya
- The Leeds-Makerere Connection and Ngugi's Intellectual development
- The legacy continues
- The legal system of Macau
- The legazy of Chinggis Khan [2]
- The legend of Nani Palkhivala
- The legend of the lost city; or, the man with golden balls
- The legitimation crises of South african state
- The left front's 2009 lok sabha poll debacle in West Bengal, India
- The legacy of arab-islam in Africa
- The legacy of the ramayana
- The legacy of Bole
- The legal "privileges" of the foreigners in Portugal and sixteenth-century Brazil
- The legend of Saint Francis Xavier by the painter André Reinoso
- The legitimacy problem and democratic reform in Hong Kong
- The legacy of arab-islam in Africa a quest for inter-religious dialogue [2]
- The legacy of Chalmers Johnson
- The legacy of Gong Xinzhao
- The Legacy of Persia
- The legacy of portuguese rule in Asia
- The legal and cultural status of Chinese temples in contemporary Java [2]
- The legal concept of Zhi
- The legends of Lord Ganesha
- The legacy of Islam
- The legacy of violence in Indonesia
- The legal status of international land boundaries in Africa
- The legend of Rama
- The legacy of India [5]
- The legacy of Nehru
- The legend of Miao-shan
- The legend of Nani palkbivala
- The lega school of circumcision
- The legacy of Baba Amite
- The legend of Semiramu
- The Lemba
- The Lemba a lost tribe of Israel in southern Africa? [3]
- The leopard killings of southern Annang, Nigeria, 1943-48
- The leptospiroses [2]
- The length of the Mediterranean from dicaerchus to the discoveries
- The leopard's kopje culture, its position in the iron age of southern Rhodesia
- The Lenora and Walter F. Brown Asian Art Wing at the San Antonio Museum of Art [2]
- The lever of riches
- The leukimias [2]
- The letters and instructions of Francis Xavier
- The letter-order of the senitic alphabets in África and the near east
- The Letters of F. W. Ludwig Leichhardt [4]
- The letters of the jesuits
- The lever of riches technological creativity and economic progress
- The liberation of Goa [7]
- The library of the Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire
- The Library Machintosh
- The liberian civil war
- The library catalogue of Diogo Valente's book collection in Macao (1633) [2]
- The Lidow Ding [2]
- The liberal model and Africa
- The liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe
- The Liberian coasting trade
- The Libyan caravan road in Herodotus IV. 181-185
- The liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam and the lost quest for separatism in Sri Lanka
- The liberator [2]
- The libraries and documents of Macau
- The liberal model and Africa elites against democracy [2]
- The liberal moment
- The Liberation of Guiné [5]
- The liberal dilemma in South Africa
- The "light" of the Timuria [2]
- The life and death of a creole
- The life and explorations of David Livingstone
- The life and times of Cornelia van Nijenroode
- The life and work of Buddhaghosa
- The life of a african tribe [3]
- The life of Christ
- The life of Confucius [2]
- The life of Mahatma Gandhi [3]
- The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus
- The life and works of Wu Yushan
- The life of Dom John de Castro [2]
- The lifestyles and changes in culture of Afghan Kyrgyz and Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan [2]
- The lighter movement
- The lightning campaign
- The life and times of Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia