- The Philippines in 1999
- The Philippines in 2002
- The Philippines in 2007 [2]
- The Philippines in the asian financial crisis
- The philosophy of Jnanadeva [3]
- The Philippines Waltzes with the Big Boys
- The philosophy of Bhartrhari
- The philosophy of the upanisads
- The Philippine agriculturist
- The Philippines in 2000
- The Philippines yearbook
- The philophical roots of masked dancers in Barotseland (western province), Zambia
- The philosophical discipline
- The philosophy of national integration
- The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
- The philosophy of the Tamil Siddhas [2]
- The phlebotomine sandflies of Portugal
- The Philippines in 2005
- The Philippines in 2011
- The philosopher's interest in african thought
- The philosophical traditions of India
- The Philippines in 2001
- The Philippines in 2003
- The philosophy of beauty
- The philosophy of Chaitanya and his school [2]
- The philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and other essays
- The philanthropy of Albert Khan
- The Philippines in 2009
- The Philippines in 2012 [2]
- The philosophy of non-attachement
- The philosophy of sri Aurobindo [2]
- The philosophy of the vedanta
- The phlebotomine sandflies of Portugal
- The physically handicapped in India [2]
- The physical properties of the estaurine and marine class of the Port Elizabeth area
- The physiology of mosquitoes [2]
- The physiological basics of endurence
- The phylogenetic classification of diptera cyclorrhapha [3]
- The physician in industry [2]
- The physiological basis of medical practice [2]
- The physics of viruses [2]
- The physiology of the ascent of sap
- The physiology and pathology of leukocytes [2]
- The physical geography of Africa
- The physics and chemistry of Matrix isolated species
- The pickabackmotif in the art initiation of the rovuma area
- The picturesqueness of sleepy Macao
- The pillars of apartheid
- The pilgrim
- The pilgrim's progress
- The pioneering portuguese
- The pinguin book of the middle ages
- The pirates of Malabar and an englishwoman in India two hundred years ago
- The pirates of Malabar and englishwoman in India two hundred years ago
- The Pit
- The plant colonisation of the islands in the Gulf of Guinea = La colonización de plantas de las islas del Golfo de Guinea = La colonisation des plantes des îles du Golfe de Guinée = A colonização de plantas das ilhas do Golfo da Guiné
- The planning of health services [2]
- The plants of the Bible
- The platform of the nascent women's movement in the french Soudan
- The place of the Áfrican student in the international student community
- The plague problem in South Africa [2]
- The place/building to Macau
- The Planting of Christianity in Africa
- The plays of Sri Aurobindo
- The place of information in developing África [2]
- The place of the laws of Lesotholi in the legal system of Lesotho
- The plan of Khubilai Kahn's imperial city
- The planning of investment programs in the fertilizer industry
- The pleasure of your company
- The plight of succession
- The plight of the rhino
- The plight of the universities
- The plunder of India's wealth
- The pm' s president
- The poet young and old
- The poetry of Agostinho Neto
- The poetry of Tanure Ojaide
- The poetry of Wole Soyinka
- The policies of localisation in sino-portuguese negotiations during the 1988-1999
- The political and cultural context of Neto's poetry
- The political context of regional developmentn in the West african Sahel
- The political cost of AIDS in Africa evidence from six countries
- The political economy of Africa's futures
- The political economy of armed conflict beyond greed and grievance [2]
- The political economy of colonial education
- The political economy of development in South Africa and the interplay with different value systems
- The political economy of Guinea-Bissau
- The political economy of modern South Africa
- The political economy of South Africa papers from a conference of professors World Peace Academy (South Africa) held north of Johannesburg (in Sandton), South Africa on 19 20 January 1990 [2]
- The political ideas of Benoy Kumar Sarkar
- The political logic of economic crisis in South Korea
- The political organization of traditional gold niving
- The political philosophy of Jawaharlal Nehru
- The political rise of the prosperous justice party in post-authoritarian Indonesia
- The politics of frenchness in colonial Algeria, 1930-1954 [2]
- The politics of land in east África [2]
- The politics of land reform in Africa from communal tenure to free markets
- The politics of structural adjustment in Nigeria
- The politics of the South Africa run
- The politics of transporting