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  1. A negra Maria
  2. A negra Rosa [2]
  3. A negra [6]
  4. A negritude africana de língua portuguesa de Pires Laranjeira
  5. A negritude e a luta pelas independências na África Portuguesa [8]
  6. A negritude e a saudade [2]
  7. A negritude na literatura angolana
  8. A negrinha Tima
  9. A negritude nas colónias portuguesas
  10. A negritude africana de língua portuguesa [6]
  11. A negritude dos mitos às realidades
  12. A negritude e a luta pelas independência na África Portuguesa
  13. A Nelson Mandela
  14. A nematode worm passed in the stools by a patient suffering from an irregular pyrexia of obsure origin
  15. A nené e o tempo
  16. A neomicina
  17. A nergia solar
  18. A nêspera [2]
  19. A neta de Jazira [3]
  20. A neta do cosinheiro, romance historico e social
  21. A neta do arcediago [4]
  22. A neta do cozinheiro
  23. A neurose de angústia na clínica psiquiátrica
  24. A neutralidade portuguesa vista por um jornalista inglês
  25. A neutralidade da reforma monetária
  26. A neve do norte saúda o novo ano lunar
  27. A neve sobre o passado
  28. A nevegação de Vasco da Gama através da pena dos cronistas
  29. A nevrose emigratória
  30. A new account of the East-Indies being in the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton from the year 1688-1723
  31. A new Áfrican acheul stage IV site in Tanganyika
  32. A new canadian program
  33. A new deal between Áfrican writers and publishers
  34. A new demining policy
  35. A new drug for alcoholism treatment
  36. A new biting ceratopogonie from India
  37. A new ceratotrochus from the upper cretaceous of Portuguese East Africa
  38. A new deal in Central Africa
  39. A new account of the East Indies giving an exact and copious description of the situation, product, manufacturers, laws, customs, religion, trade, etc. of all countries and islands wich lie between the Cape of Good Hope and the island of Japon
  40. A new account of the East-Indies [2]
  41. A new account of the east-indies being the observations and remarks of Alexander Hamilton from the years 1688 to 1723
  42. A new account of the East-Indies being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton from the year 1688-1723
  43. A new approach to presenting art and culture [2]
  44. A new beginning, imperial art of the yongle period [2]
  45. A new Chinese discourse of India
  46. A new clinical syndrome producing hypertension
  47. A new community on the cards
  48. A new development of the LNEC stress tensor gauge
  49. A new dialogue between authors and readers
  50. A new discovery of Stegodon in Early Pleistocene sediments from the Sumedang area, West Jawa, Indonesia
  1. A new account of East India and Persia being nine years' travels [2]
  2. A new adult point-of-view in Angola?
  3. A new anomodont taxon from the mozambican karoo (Niassa province, late permian) = Um novo táxone do karoo moçambicano (província do Niassa, pérmico superior)
  4. A new approach to cosmology
  5. A new approch to diamond mining at Kimberley
  6. A new concept for a classic collection
  7. A new concept for the Museum of Indian Art [2]
  8. A new copper-plate grant of Harsavardhana from the Punjab, year 8
  9. A new dam
  10. A new dan in the pipeline
  11. A new dictionary of chemistry
  12. A new dictionary of the portuguese and english languages
  13. A new dynamism in Sino-Japanese security relations
  14. A new genus of compositae, asterae from the folra zambeziaca area
  15. A new hybrid palm from Amazonian Brazil, Oenocarpus x andersonii
  16. A new era of commitment to South Asian Art [2]
  17. A new framework programme [2]
  18. A new genus and a new species of Stenopodainae Stal from Southern India (Heteroptera
  19. A new genus and species of Diparinae from Angola. (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae)
  20. A new geografical and historical grammar wherein the geografical part is truly modern and the present state of the several kingdom's of the world
  21. A new history of southern Africa [2]
  22. A new family of keeled ammonistes from the albian of Zululand
  23. A new genus and species of Diparinae from Angola (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) [4]
  24. A new genus of Compositae (Astereae) from the flora Zambesiaca area
  25. A new home for the Riverside Collection [2]
  26. A new future for Rhodesia's legendary gold deposits
  27. A new general collection of voyages and travels consisting of the most esteemed relations, wich have been hitherto published in any language
  28. A new histeresis effect in magnetism
  29. A new industry clocks on
  30. A new life for literati painting in the early twentieth century
  31. A new look at the life and career of Vasco da Gama
  32. A new method for the complete determination of the state of stress in roch masses
  33. A new imperial history
  34. A new look at old Chinese artworks [2]
  35. A new look into the historiography concerning the expanding empires
  36. A new look at social medicine [2]
  37. A new map of África? reflections on the horn
  38. A new imperial history culture, identity, and modernity in Britain and the empire
  39. A new life of Saint Francis Xavier [3]
  40. A new light on Asian Art [2]
  41. A new look at the history of Ghana
  42. A new Namibia policy for the United States
  43. A new political paradigm for India
  44. A new portuguese strategy in Africa
  45. A new primate from Nyasaland
  46. A new problem on the preservation of woodworks in Mozambique
  47. A new novel from Angola
  48. A new pact for Brazil and Portugal
  49. A new poetic voice from sEnegal
  50. A new pavilion for Asian art at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam [2]

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