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Entradas: 46,192 | 235 ms
  1. A sombra no retrato
  2. A sombra sentada
  3. Á sombra... da cruz!...
  4. A sombra
  5. Á sombra da oliveira
  6. À sombra das acácias vermelhas
  7. A sombra das galeras [6]
  8. A sombra de D. Miguel
  9. A sombra do Kremlin
  10. A sombra da viagem [2]
  11. À sombra das araucárias
  12. À sombra das arcadas
  13. À sombra das árvores milenares
  14. A sombra de Maquiavel e a ética tradicional portuguesa
  15. A sombra do mal no conto As perguntas de Dom Lobo
  16. A sombra do passado
  17. A sombra do sol em noite de lua cheia [2]
  18. A sombra dum crime [2]
  19. A sombra habitada
  20. A sonâmbula
  21. A Sonangol aeronáutica é uma nova subsidiária do grupo Sonangol
  22. A Sonangol, conta desde julho com uma revista
  23. A Sonangol marca presença em Inglaterra através de uma empresa de serviços
  24. A sonata de kreutzer [2]
  25. A sonata de Carlos Gomes
  26. A SONEFE e o aproveitamento hidro-eléctrico de Angola
  27. A song of experience [2]
  28. A sonhar se fez verdade [2]
  29. A soothsayer tested
  30. A sopa da madrugada
  31. A Sorefame de Luanda vai entregar as suas primeiras construções
  32. A sorefame em Angola
  33. A sorte dos militares perseguidos
  34. A sorte do palmareiro
  35. A sós com a lua
  36. A south african kingdom [2]
  37. A South-South survival strategy
  38. A souvenir of Siam
  39. A souvenir of the XVI solemn exposition of the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier
  40. A Soweto
  41. A Spaniard in the Portuguese Indies [2]
  42. a species of "Brazzeia" "Scytopetalaceae" in Cabinda
  43. A special exhibition of the history of cultural exchange between east and west in the 16th and 17th century
  44. A species of Brazzeia (Scytopetalaceae) in Cabinda [3]
  45. A species of Brazzeia (Seytopelaceae) in Cabinda
  46. A spectrofluorophosphoriment for the investigation of the luminiscence properties of organic molecules
  47. A speecimen of the folklore of Gazaland
  48. A spurious correlation of r=.70
  49. A Sta. Teresa
  50. A start
  1. A stastistical analysis of a sample of the flora of Angola
  2. A statement of facts, proving the right of the crown of Portugal to the territories situated on the western coast of Africa, lying between the fifth degree and twelve minutes, and the eighth degree of south latitude
  3. A statement of facts, proving the right of the Crown of Portugal to the territoires situated coast of África
  4. A statistic comparison of various equations of ion exchange applied to the equilibrium between K and Ca and the clay size fraction on of a tropical soil
  5. A statistical analysis of a sample of the flora of Angola [5]
  6. A statistical analysis of Limeworks lithic assemblage
  7. A statistical study of mass
  8. A stellar collection of Khmer ceramics
  9. A Stiga Lutea Lour, erva parasita do milho e de outras gramíneas
  10. A stone age eribe in Tanganyika
  11. A strange Heaven [2]
  12. A strategic vision for Africa the Kampala movement [2]
  13. A strategic reassessement of fish farming potencial in Africa
  14. A strategic vision for Africa
  15. A strategic vision for Portuguese development cooperation
  16. A strategic assessment of warm-water fish farming potential in Africa
  17. A strategy for South África
  18. A stream of windows unsettling reflections on trade, immigration, and democracy
  19. A streptomycin e o seu emprego
  20. A stroll through ancient Malaca
  21. A stroll through ancient Malacca [6]
  22. A stroll through anciente Malacca
  23. A strong diplomat in a weak polity
  24. A structural typology for bantu riddles
  25. A structural analysis of enslavement in the african diaspora
  26. A stuação portuguesa
  27. A Studia, há 35 anos vista pelo seu fundador
  28. A study of cape verdean literatures
  29. A study of caste
  30. A study of early chinese armor
  31. A study of indian history
  32. A study of the Hyungbae embroidery emblems of the Choson dynasty of Korea
  33. A study of the specific yield in land-strainage situations
  34. A study on n'tchuva-game
  35. A study in chinese scholar objects [2]
  36. A study in cross-ultural transmission of natural philosophy
  37. A study in internal conflicts the liberian crisis and the west african peace initiative
  38. A study of China's population
  39. A study of contemporary Ghana
  40. A study of history [2]
  41. A study of south american indian hunting traps
  42. A study of stone beads in ancient India
  43. A study of the Genus Chrotogonus Audinet-Serville, 1839 (Orthoptera [2]
  44. A study of the Mahavatsu
  45. A study of west, south, and equatorial Africa
  46. A study on cultural differences between China and Portugal [2]
  47. A study on growth of metapenaeus monoceros
  48. A study of ancient Indian numismatics (indigenous system)
  49. A study of communist China's intensification of "political thought work" among university students
  50. A study of east, central, and south Africa

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