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  1. Petrus Nonius [2]
  2. Peturbação do meio ecológico das ilhas de São Tomé e Príncipe
  3. Peugadas de musa [2]
  4. Peul et portugais en un témoingnage allemand 1881
  5. Peuls et portugais en guerre [5]
  6. Peuls et mandingues [3]
  7. Peuls nomades [2]
  8. Peuple en avant (d'un collaborateur spécial)
  9. Peuplement préhistorique des monts calcaires du sud du Mondégo
  10. Peuplement et phénomenes d'urbanisation au Cap Vert pendant la période coloniale
  11. Peuplement et phénomènes d'urbanisation au Cap-Vert pendant la période coloniale, 1462-1940
  12. Peuplements forestiers de Casamansa
  13. Peuples autochtones d'Afrique et objectifs de développement du millénaire [5]
  14. Peuples voltaques et conquête coloniale
  15. Peuples asiatiques, unissez-vous, pour bouter les agresseus americains hors de l'Asie
  16. Peuples du Sénégal
  17. Peut-être feront-ils un autre parti mais ils sortent du nôtre [2]
  18. Peut-on parler d'une pensée africaine
  19. Peymouth Brethren and the occupation of Katanga
  20. Peyon ha ben
  21. PFIE lança materiais didácticos sobre educação ambiental
  22. PFIE quer perpetuar a educação ambiental
  23. PGA ganha vendas das LAM em Espanha
  24. PGR está a fazer chantagem política sobre os órgãos de soberania
  25. pH - base saturation relationships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
  26. PH base saturation relationships for Ferrallitic, Tropical Fersiallitic and Tropical Semiarid soils of Southern Angola [2]
  27. PH- base saturation relationships for ferralític, tropical persillitic and tropical Semiarid Soils of Southern Angola
  28. PH-base saturation relation ships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
  29. PH-base saturation relationships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
  30. PH-base saturation relationships for ferrallitic
  31. Phaedrus
  32. Phage and the origins of molecular biology [2]
  33. Phalenas com uma parte sobre assumptos indianos
  34. Phantoms of Asia
  35. Phares fanaux lenticulaires
  36. Phares, ports et chemins de fer de l'Afrique portugais
  37. Pharmacia [4]
  38. Pharmacopêa portuguesa
  39. Pharmaceutical advertising [2]
  40. pharmaceutical policy processes in Sierra Leone
  41. Pharmacopée polele du Niger et du Camaroun
  42. Pharmacopée internationale [8]
  43. Pharmacopoceia of India
  44. Pharmacopoêa portugueza
  45. Phase microscopy [2]
  46. Phases of conflict in Africa [2]
  47. Phenolic acids on green and roasted coffee
  48. Phénologie de quelques plantes de la Mauritanie eccidentale en actoulire
  49. Phénomènes reliogieux et facteurs socio-économiques dans un Village de la région de Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire)
  50. Phenothiazines alter resistance of methicillin resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus MRSA to oxacillin in vitro [3]
  1. Pheromones [2]
  2. Pherozeshah Mehta [2]
  3. Pherozesha Metha
  4. PHETICE [3]
  5. Phibun songkhram and Thai nationalism in the fascist era
  6. Philanthropy and passion [2]
  7. Philately
  8. Philéas Lebesgue Lusophile
  9. Philibert Tsiranana (1910-1978)
  10. Philip II, King of spain and Portugal, and the relations between the philippines and Timor [2]
  11. Philippa de Vilhena
  12. Philippe Aschman
  13. Philippine Gold Working Techniques [2]
  14. Philipp Klier
  15. Philippine Gold in Early Southeast Asia [2]
  16. Philippines opens consulate general in Macao to strengthen bilateral ties
  17. Philippine democracies old and new
  18. Philips' concise atlas of the world
  19. Philology versus linguistics and Aramaic phonology
  20. Philosofia do direito [2]
  21. Philosophia do direito
  22. Philosophical implications of Camões' use of the classical mythological tradition in the Adamastor episode of Os lusíadas
  23. Philosophie de l'histoire de l'humanité
  24. Philosophy and life and others papers
  25. Philosophy in the fifteen modern Indian languages
  26. Philosophy of life from a poem
  27. Philosophy of religion
  28. Philosophy of total revolution
  29. Philosophy of truth and peace
  30. Philosophers and anthropologists
  31. Philosophi Abessini [2]
  32. Philosophi Stoicurur omnium acutifsimi opera quae extant omnia coelii secundi di curionis vigililantissima cura castiga - - - &amp; in nouam prorsus faciem, nimirum propriam &amp; suam, mutata
  33. Philosophie en Afrique
  34. Philosophies de l'histoire
  35. Philosophy and religion
  36. Philosophy from Africa
  37. Philosophy in India [3]
  38. Philosophy in indian music
  39. Philosophy of Pancaratras
  40. Philosophy, democracy and responsible governance in Africa [2]
  41. Philosophia aristotelica
  42. Philosophie de la médecine [2]
  43. Philosophy from Africa a text with readings [2]
  44. Philosophia de João Braz
  45. Philosophia mentis
  46. Philosophical implications of Camões
  47. Philosophical implications of Camoes' use of the classical mythological tradition in the Adamastor episode of "Os Lusíadas"
  48. Philosophy
  49. Philosophy and theology
  50. Philosophy of rhetoric

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